Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 21

2 - Assignment Example The manner in which Kelleher believes employees should be addressed in an organization is in line with Lencioni’s quote. Lencioni connotes that when employees feel they are not being cared, they feel they have a miserable job. Employees need to be cared for and appreciated for them to perform in the workplace. As per Kelleher, employees should be valued as individuals and not as workers. An organization should set up employee services and professional care department so as to help them in the workplace. Research reveals that managers’ connection with employees gives them a better feeling of belonging and worth. Communication with employees is an aspect that Kelleher emphasizes in his management. This is an indication that he was a successful leader at Southwest. Lencioni also accentuates the same aspect, by suggesting that managers’ connection with employees help them grasp the precise significance of their jobs to others. The leadership style of Ms. Mayer is one can learn that she is an inspiring leader. Mayer invites the employees to facilitate the building of the organization’s brand. Mayer emphasizes on the employees interactions as a way of providing them with an opportunity to generate ideas. As a leader, Mayer believes in employees’ physical contacts and interaction in the workplace that is why when appointed as the new Yahoo CEO, reporting to the office was of paramount significance to her. The rationale for using the books â€Å"The Three Signs of a Miserable job† and â€Å"The Influencer†, it that it helps in the understanding of the job dissatisfaction and its root causes. The books are also relevant in the sense that it identifies how leaders can aid their employees become satisfied with the job through communication and understanding of the importance of their job. From the books, a leader can learn the significance of communication with its employees. The

Monday, October 28, 2019

Reflection on Economics Class

Reflection on Economics Class What does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? Section I: introduction I believe that economic class has long been a central theme within higher education and that is why I am going to argue this issue in my essay. There is a big difference between social class and economic class: social classes are the hierarchical arrangements of people in society or as in the social sciences, it can be best defined social stratification. On the other hand, economic class means how much money one has. In political philosophy and sociology, the most basic difference among economic classes is between the powerful and the powerless. So, I can simply conclude that the more money one has the more power that goes along (Drake 1). When I first read this, I remembered the early theory of Karl Marx who saw human beings interested more in material concerns rather than grand ideas which created a separation of effort and a division of classes depending on wealth and power (Cline 3). In turn, he defined the economic class as how one class directs the process of production while t he other class is directed and provide services. However, I found a much simpler view; when a small company’s owner or even a manager of a company, whatever it is, orders another employee who gets less salary than him to do a certain job, the employee is to finish the job without questioning his manager. Yet, if he was asked from a concierge, he wouldn’t listen. So, I can add to my previous conclusion that the person, who has more money and power, gets more attention and obedience that leads to persuasiveness. That persuasiveness works through the ethos and the logos of money (Drake 1). The purpose for this essay is to argue an answer to the premise question, what does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? Which I guess is not a simple task because this question relates to many perspectives such as academic, social, ethnic, cultural conditions and forces. Since I am talking about the higher education and how it relates to economic class, I will give a brief example on how both are related to each others. Let’s take two students equal in academic abilities but not in economic classes; one has more money than the other. Both got fairly good grade in high school let’s say a B and they are now thinking about what universities they have the chance to apply to. The low economic class student has limited options because he can’t afford private universities fees and even if he can, he will still be thinking about how he is going to live among students from higher class, on the other hand, the high economic class student gets more options in too many different universities and can graduate as a doctor if he wants. Therefore, lots of students from the low class don’t enter universities because they either feel disappointed about it or go directly to work because he thinks about earning money. Some students may underestimate the significance of arguing an answer to such a question because they haven’t heard about what Lester Faigley wrote in Fragments of Rationality that the modeling of subjects is not as much related to being a good writer or having good sources as from the effects of experiencing the effects of what one writes about (Faigley 23). Moreover, James Berlin argues that college rhetorical curriculum should not only guide learners through their future careers, but also help them become active members of political change and social (Mays 1). Both the ideas suggest that we should study our culture leading us to think about our main question â€Å"what does it mean to me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class?† Hence, I am going to argue this question via three different points of view: 1. Functional/practical section 2. Human/personal section 3. Functional and human section. Section II: Arguing an answer from the extreme of functional/practical The purpose of this section is to argue a functional/practical answer to the premise question, what does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? The group supporting this section would think rationally about the question. It might bring into play Taha Hussein’s famous quote â€Å"We should not expect proper, productive, efficient education from a university whose staff does not enjoy freedom and independence. He wants to point out that many Universities in Egypt are losing their freedom at the hands of dictatorial, corrupt rulers (Hassan). One of the most efficient reasons is the very high demand on Egyptian collages every year which helps corruptors to hide their actions (Hassan). As a result, this group would says that higher education should be only for students who get high grades because these are the kind of scholars who will be able to cope with the tough system of higher education, appreciate the true meaning of being educated an d do much more effort than that of others. In this way they will be decreasing the number of students leading to better education for hard workers. The second issue that this group will address is the supply of employees in high positions (Clotfelter 2). A functional/practical student would think that high positions such as managers or supervisors require uniquely educated people, not just any university graduate. Those people are students who graduated from universities with high GPAs by their own effort not with the help of private universities which is entered with money. This group thinks that these graduates can be the best performers in their work positions only because of their grades and that they will be the best role models for the other employees so, other employees who are working under them would simply conform to every order they ask for. Section III: Arguing an answer from the extreme of human/personal. The purpose for this section is to argue a human/personal answer to the question, what does it mean for me to be a college student from the perspective of economic class? As an AUC student, I have got the chance to deal with almost all economic classes. To make it easier, I can say that we have two main classes; students who pay tuition and students who come on a scholarship. Students, who pay fees, kind of disdain others who don’t. They don’t say the true reason behind this hatred but I guess there are two very obvious reasons: the first is some are jealous of the fact that these students are better academically. Secondly some others might think that these students’ economic class doesn’t allow them be a part of the AUC community. Whether they are supporters to the first or the second opinion, this group will argue an answer to the premise question from the extreme human/personal view. The American University in Cairo is the most expensive in Egypt and pr obably in the Middle East, so many students feel cocky about being in such a university. In other words, AUC is quite exclusive to economic position. But imagine how these elite students feel when they become equal to others who don’t have as much money. AUC has long been known for having the highest economic class in Egypt, yet this idea for many AUCians has changed after the scholarship concept was applied on a wider scale. The elite students think that AUC is not a place that can fit both economic classes because that shakes their image towards outsiders who though that AUC had only the rich students. Although it is a non profitable organization, AUC is a very successful university because of the huge amount of money that students pay and after the tuitions were raised some students thought it was so that the university can afford paying for the scholarship students. Everybody wants to have power, to be noticed and get the attention of the others; that’s exactly what the higher economic class student in the AUC and his parents are thinking of. He already has climbed half the ladder because of his parents’ wealth and position and he is going to continue after graduating by getting a high position in a company that his fathers’ is a VIP costumer, paying bribe or at least inherit his father’s business. Only eleven percent of the kids from poor families graduate from collages and less than nineteen percent of the eleven percent have the chance to be among the high class (Eckholm 1). So these students are considered by the higher class the directed ones; however, since work places for the people who direct are few and scholarship concept is applied in many universities, the working class is now becoming a threat because they are now part of the competition. Section IV: A Synthesis of Oppositional Extremes We can’t think about the premise question in a complete functional/practical way because by doing so, we will have education inequality and we will be limiting education to the students with high grades only. We wouldn’t be considering many other things such as a student who was sick at the day of the exam or another who is not good at a certain subject that lowered his GPA, those who don’t perform well in the test environment and many other reasons. We should all be given equal chances to learn. Take Einstein for instance; although, he had speech difficulties when he was young and scored Cs when he was in elementary school, he became one of the best known physicists in the world who made new theories. Some other people when put in the real situation, they appreciate and act. This is what is called closed doors situation; some students may score low grades in elementary schools but when they see that the university is their path for their future career, they act. Regarding the second point that was argued; it has been proven that students’ GPAs can’t be considered the only meter when it comes to the working field (Smith 2). Many reasons were showed but the most important were the student’s leadership personality and experience. These reasons might not qualify the hard working student to work in a high position despite the fact that he was one of the best learners in his school. We can’t also accept the human/personal point of view because in that way we will still be having an education inequality like in that of the Middle Ages when education was only for students from rich families. In that way we will be limiting the good education only to families who have money. So, what if there is, let’s say, one student from the lower class who might be in the future Ahmed Zowail or Farouk El Baz. Why wouldn’t we give him the opportunity to enjoy a good education that will definitely help him? In turn, this student will be the best image not only to his university and colleagues but also to his country. The second point that was argued by this group was gaining or let’s say inheriting power and respect by the help of their parents by entering expensive universities then owning their father’s business after wards. However, what if these students are not qualified to run such a business not because of their educational background or grades but because of what they are. It even makes a bigger problem when there is one of the working class who can fit perfectly in this business and at the same time working under a boss that is running his father’s business and not that good in managing the company. How will the boss react when he finds out that there is a better guy him? How will the man from the working class react to orders that he is sure they are wrong? Will he conform to orders to save himself from getting fired or will he follow his beliefs and resist because he knows that what he is doing is the right thing? I appreciate that everyone has a dream he wants to reach and that some parents are forcing pressure on their children to make them become a doctor or an engineer without taking into consideration their abilities or what they like. However, God created us humans with different abilities and whether we like it or not, we have to accept it. Not all students can become doctors only because they earn a lot of money. We can’t think like that because doctors or any other job that makes money can’t replace the entire exciting jobs. Who knows maybe god blessed us with a certain gift in a specific place to change the world. I bet that it is becoming very confusing and difficult to find a clear answer to the premise question because we can accept neither the functional/practical nor the human/personal only. The functional/practical student is always thinking about studying hard in order to succeed and get high grades to find a good job whereby he can change his economic class to the better. On the other hand, power, money respect and attention are all what the human personal student is thinking about and he is ready to do anything in order to reach this goal whether by paying bribes or his father’s help; it doesn’t matter how, all it matters is to be able to reach this goal. That is why we can’t accept either. However, I have found that the combination between the functional/practical extreme and the human/personal extreme is the way to find a fairly good answer to the premise question. I am not asking low and high economic class to be friend or to even pretend to be because we all k now that they will never be. However, all students should be given equal opportunities to learn and enter universities but there is something that has to be changed within ourselves; how we look at professions like a plumber or a carpenter. As long as we look to these professions as a despicable job, students won’t be interested in any of them leaving free spaces in these jobs. Students with super powers like the genies boy that we have here in AUC or even learners with high grades should be noticed from the elementary school then indicate their part of power then work on with them to improve it. In such world, competition is allowed but people have to understand that they aren’t necessarily going to gain power in an inherited field. They should also understand that even if they gained money and power, they won’t gain people’s respect because they know that this authority is not self-made. Therefore, everyone should peruse the career that he loves the car eer that he thinks he can make a change in and be creative. It might take longer time to prove its success but when the goal is reached, it can never be imagined. Section V: Significance Now the picture is complete and I have got the true meaning behind these three topics. They are by a way or another all related to each others. Students cheat to reach a better economic class and what motivated them to cheat is the corrupt business that was the reason for the discrimination. This and the two previous essays had a lot of significance to me because it allowed me see things although in front of my eyes, they were hidden. These major writing assignments may not change ethics about cheating, beliefs regarding gender or my vision towards people from lower class. However, discovering and analyzing many point of views made me aware of the world we are living in and the system that controls us. Works Cited Introduction Chris Mays, â€Å"refiguring college English studies† by Lester Faigley, â€Å"fragments of rationality† Amar Ali Hassan, â€Å"restrain and corrupt universities† Austin Cline, â€Å"The Economics of Society and Religion† ERIK ECKHOLM, â€Å"Higher Education Gap May Slow Economic Mobility† February 20, 2008 Charles T. Clotfelter, â€Å"Higher education and social class: issues of exclusion and inclusion†

Friday, October 25, 2019

Psychiatric hospitals :: essays research papers

2. b. If the physician aggress to an alternate medication, the pharmacist will receive the order, write it on a physician’s order sheet, and notify the unity. The physician’s orders and medications will then be taken to the unit. c. If there will be a delay in prescribing the medication, the pharmacist is to notify the physician and a physician’s order to change the start day if indicated. The pharmacist is then to notify the unit of such communication and order. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Pharmacy Hours a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The RN is to notify the home supervisor of non formulary medication orders b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The supervisor is to call the pharmacist on call and a decision made collaboratively as follows i.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pharmacist will call SW hospital for medication and arrange for pickup ii.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pharmacist will deliver where the first dose has to be given 4.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RN’s CVM’s are expected to resolve the issue of non formulary medications on their shift. When faced with situations when there communications are delayed or unclear they are to call their PCC/Supervisor in the building. The CNO is to be notified in cases where the supervisor cannot be reached. 5.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ultimately it is the responsibility of the RN to notify the physician if a prescribed treatment is not given for any reason. If the prescribed treatment is delayed, the physician is to be notified of reason for delay and plan to meet treatment needs. All such communications are to be documented in the medical --- 6.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Effective 5/2 both- there forms are obsolete. a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Miceing Medication Sheet b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Pharmacy to physician communication 7.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  RN’s and CVN’s are admitted not to borrow medications. During pharmacy hours they are to call the pharmacy and outside of pharmacy hours the supervisor is to be contacted.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Children’s Television Essay

Over the past three months I have been studying children’s television programmes to find out about what influences they have over children’s behaviour, the types of shows that are on offer and why children opt to watch them. I picked three key questions based on what I thought would get the best reactions and results and the most frequently asked problems such as the amount of violence children see on TV. I used various different methods of searching for information which included surfing the Internet, emailing relevant people, setting up focus groups and interviewing people who have an appropriate opinion on this subject, e. g. parents. I broke my research up into three categories, primary, secondary and tertiary this allowed me to organise myself and also to get opinions as well as facts. My primary research consisted of interviewing people such as parents to find out their opinions on certain aspects of this subject. I have planned to interview a media teacher who is also a parent because she will have factual information and first hand experience. My second interviewee will be a single father of four young children, each child is in one of my aimed target groups so this will help when finding out why his children chose to watch what they do and why they enjoy it. I will also visit schools to interview children, first hand about their opinions on certain programmes and find out why they watch them. This will be very helpful when answering my second key question. To gather more information I will be conducting a set of focus groups, each will consists of five to six people who I will be directing questions at for them to discuss among themselves. I will be recording the discussion so I can referee to it later on, this will allow me to use quotes and pick out relevant information. I have produced a questionnaire that consists of 15 questions that I will be handing out to members of each of my focus groups. This is also part of my primary research and allows me to refer back and can be used as evidence when trying to make a point for one of my key questions. The only piece of primary research I have conducted thus far is to try and contact some of the industries producers and writers to find out some factual information about different shows. Whilst searching the Internet I located the BBC website, www. BBC. co. uk this was a big help as I found a link to the teletubbies website which then led me to find one of the writers email addresses. I emailed Will Brenton with an explanation of what I hoped to achieve from his knowledge and set him a few simple questions, I have yet to receive a reply but do frequently check my email. I am also hoping to get in contact with a producer or director for the BBC to find out about scheduling, I have yet to find the relevant address. My secondary research consisted mostly of searching through countless amounts of websites to try and pick out related information, I found this extremely frustrating as I had to search for hours at a time to find anything that would help me. I made a list of which websites were useful and visited them regularly for updates; www. turnoffyourtv. com, www. limittv. org and www. familyresources. com/parenting. Once I had collected enough information I began sifting through it and highlighting the most interesting parts. Whilst looking on the Internet I managed to determine what shows were on offer and which were the most popular, from this I chose three main programmes to focus on, all of which were aimed at different ages but for both sexes. Another reason why I chose them was because they had received the best ratings over any other TV show for the same age group and were also on the same channel, this made it easier to access information.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Health Concerns of Processed Foods Essay

Processed foods have been created mainly for convenience and some of the ingredients in these products may not be safe or healthy for us. Processed foods are more convenient because if we don’t finish the product or don’t consume it we don’t have to worry about it spoiling anytime soon as the packaging and ingredients prevent bacteria from forming and keep the food edible but can these extra ingredients and packaging have a health risk. Altering the product can have a different effect in our bodies and how we process them. There is a debate whether processed foods are good or bad for us but it just comes down to the product. Therefore, it’s important for us to know the foods we are going to consume and if some of those ingredients pose a health concern. Diet soda is thought to be a better and healthier choice but the artificial sweetener can actually cause more harm, so it’s neither better nor healthier. Artificial sweeteners can trick 1 Brian Alvarez our bodies into thinking its consuming sugar, but once we do consume real sugars our bodies aren’t sure whether to process the sugar so this can cause a health effect such as metabolic confusion and over consumption. Research has been done by the University of Virginia in Richmond showing that artificial sweeteners could confuse the body’s intake in calories which would lead to over eating. Artificial sweeteners are mainly used by people who are on diets and diabetics also it doesn’t contribute to tooth decay and cavities. These artificial sweeteners can be great for diabetics since they need to control their sugar intake this allows them to have more control on foods they consume.(nearly 26 million people in American have diabetes) Another processed food which is debated is Margarine such as the product â€Å"I can’t believe it’s not butter†. The soft margarine that comes in containers is  made from vegetable oils and has less saturated fa t than standard butter and stick margarine. People who mainly use stick margarine on their foods have a higher risk of getting heart disease because it contains Tran’s fats so this causes a decrease in good cholesterol in the body. Soft margarine can be a better alternative but it depends on 2 Brian Alvarez which margarine we buy and consume. Stick Margarine is actually worse for a person’s cholesterol than soft margarine and butter but between the two soft margarine is better as long as the labeling says no Tran’s fats. Food manufacturers mainly use trans fat in their products but now that we see the health risks from consuming trans fats companies started cutting back on using them because of the potential health risks. Trans fat has been linked with health risks such as high cholesterol and puts us more at risk for heart disease. Trans Fat is a man made substance that is a mixture of hydrogen gas and vegetable oil, this makes the oil have a longer shelf life, makes the food taste better, is cheaper and enhances flavor. These are the main reasons manufacturers use trans fat in their products. When a product says no trans fat there is still a possibility it may contain trans fats because products are legally allowed to put no trans fats in their product if their serving portions contain less than 0.5 grams of trans fats. It’s recommended not to consume more than 2 grams of Tran fats per day and in products that say no trans fats we should check the ingredients in the label to see if it contains hydrogenated oils to make sure it has no trans fats. Processed foods tend to contain high fructose corn syrup because of its sweet taste, low cost to make and is great at mixing with other ingredients. High fructose corn syrup is still being looked into if it has any health concerns or affects our metabolism. Although high fructose corn syrup chemical composition is similar to regular sugar it can’t be broken down as easily than regular sugars. Companies began using High fructose corn syrup since 1977 when the price of sugar increased and government regulations kept the price of corn low so High Fructose corn syrup is seen as a more economical substitute. The U.S and Canada have the highest price of sugar, it’s twice  the as much as the global price. Marketing campaigns by corn industries have tried giving high fructose corn syrup a good name by saying its all natural since it’s made from corn because of all the negative feedback from the press. Although these Corn companies are calling it â€Å"Natural† i t really doesn’t mean much as Natural isn’t really regulated by the FDA. When we look at labels in processed foods we tend not to look at the sodium content which can be a bad thing if we consume too much of it in order to maintain a healthy diet. Sodium is a main ingredient in processed foods because it   enhances the sugars flavor, increases the shelf life of foods, and prevents bacteria from forming. The average person consumes 50 percent more sodium than what is recommended daily. In our diets 75 percent of sodium we consume daily comes from processed foods and most of the excess salts we consume are coming from processed foods. We tend to think that because a food has a product that is healthy or natural it’s going to be good for us but once it becomes processed it adds all sorts of other ingredients or takes away the nutritional value. Processed food companies try to make their products appear healthy but add other ingredients which were better off eating the regular version. Yogurt is an example which companies label them as fat-free or low fat and they are but substitute the fats for sugars to make them better tasting but just causes more weight gain as a result. Milk is a good type of processed food which makes it safer for us to consume. When milk is processed it goes through a stage where it is pasteurized and homogenized. The Pasteurization kills the bacteria in the milk and homogenization prevents the fats from separating. Brian Alvarez The Packaging in which processed foods are held in can have a health risk for us due to the BPA found in them. Traces of BPA can be found in canned foods and in products packaged in plastic. BPA can lead to heart disease, cancer and development issues, but has a bigger impact on younger children. Traces of BPA is found in 90 percent of Americans and we are getting them from the packaging in these foods. Works cited â€Å"Artificial Sweeteners and Other Sugar Substitutes.† By Mayo Clinic Staff Mayo Clinic. 09 Oct.2012. Web. Betsch, Mara. â€Å"25 Surprisingly Salty Processed Foods.† Health Smart. New York. HealthMagazine. Print. Boeschenstein, Nell. â€Å"How The Food Industry Manipulates Taste Buds with ‘Salt Sugar Fat’.† NPR. National Public Radio, 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. Heyes, Ashley. â€Å"Put Down That Doughnut: FDA Takes on Trans Fats† CNN. Health. 13 Nov.2013. Web. 21 Jan.2014. Jegtvig, Shereen. â€Å"What are Processed Foods.† About Nutrition. Health Nutrition, 18 Mar. 2007. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. Lovell, Joel. â€Å"The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food.† New York Times, 20 Feb.2013. Print. 7 Mercola, Joseph. â€Å"America’s Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change.† HuffPost. Healthy Living. 06 July.2010. Web. 20 Jan.2014. Warner, Melanie. Interview with Hari Sreenivasan. PBS NewsHour. Public Television. 14 March 2013. Television. WhiteLocks, Sadie. â€Å"Does Fat-Free Yogurt Cause Greater Weight Gain Than the Full Fat Kind?† Mail Online. UK. 03 Sep.2013. Web. 21 Jan.2014 Waseem, Fatimah.†Studys Link Food Packaging Chemical and Obesity.† USAToday. 12 Jun.2013. Web. 8

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Definition And History Of Foster Care Social Work Essay Essays

Definition And History Of Foster Care Social Work Essay Essays Definition And History Of Foster Care Social Work Essay Essay Definition And History Of Foster Care Social Work Essay Essay New World Enclopedia ( 2012 ) defines surrogate attention as full-time replacement attention of kids outside their ain place by people other than their biological or adoptive parents or legal defenders. ] History of Foster attention Placement of kids in surrogate places is a construct which goes as far back as the Old Testament, which refers to caring for dependent kids as a responsibility under jurisprudence. Early Christian church records indicate orphaned kids lived with widows who were paid by the church. English Poor Laws in the 1500s allowed the arrangement of hapless kids into apprenticed service until they became grownups. This pattern was imported to the United States and was the beginning of puting kids into surrogate places. [ 1 ] The most important record of fosterage was in 1853, a kid was removed from a workhouse in Cheshire and placed in a surrogate household under the legal attention of the local government.At the beginning of the 1900s merely orphaned or abandoned kids under the age of 11 old ages were fostered, and they had to hold a demanding psychological profile good adjusted, obedient and physically normal. Until World War II, Foster attention was recognized as a charitable service. Two of import events that pushed the province to look at the Foster attention system in a different angle was the first mass emptying of 1000000s of kids and so the decease of a kid in a Foster attention in 1945. In 1969 research was carried out on the Foster attention system and it was found that surrogate households required developing on how to cover with the Foster kids and do them make full secure in the arrangement. ( Jeune Guishard-Pine, 2007 ) Foster attention as a planetary construct Foster attention is likely the most widely practiced signifier of replacement attention for kids global, depending on the demands of the kid, the civilization and the system in topographic point. There are many different sorts of fosterage and definitions of foster attention vary internationally. It can be short -term, a affair of yearss, or a child whole childhood. A reappraisal of surrogate attention in Twenty-two states found considerable diverseness in the manner of fosterage in both defined and practised. ( Hannah Johnson, 2005 ) .Kinship Foster attention, which is the most common signifier of furthering in African states is non defined as foster attention in all states. In Ireland for illustration merely kids placed with no relations are said to be fostered . In some states foster attention is seen merely as a impermanent agreement, whereas in others the norms is for long term and quasi adoptive arrangement. ( Colton A ; William,1995 ) Hannah Johnson ( 2005 ) stated that the procedure to be registered as surrogate parents in different states such as U.K, Australia, Uganda and South Africa is practically the same. In some states foster attention programme is managed either by the authorities or bureau, and each state has their basic standards that need to be fulfilled, such as being physically and mentally fit and healthy, holding a room for the kid, holding clip to pass with the kid.The procedure to be registered as surrogate households can take about six months. Persons who are willing to go surrogate households must do their applications to the bureau. A place survey is conducted by a societal worker to measure the capableness of the appliers for taking attention of a kid. The assessment signifier is so forwarded to the concluding panel who will make up ones mind whether the appliers are fit to go surrogate carers. Placement in Foster attention Harmonizing to zuravin A ; Deponfilis ( 1997 ) kids are removed from their places to protect them from immediate maltreatments. In many state of affairss, these kids have suffered physical, sexual maltreatment, or disregard at place, and therefore they are placed in a safe environment. A little per centum of kids are in surrogate attention because their parents experience unable to command them, and their behavior may hold led to delinquency or fright of injury to others. Some kids have been neglected by their parents or legal defenders, or have parents or legal defenders who are unable to take attention of them because of substance maltreatment, captivity, or mental wellness jobs. These kids are so placed into surrogate attention until the parents or defenders are capable of looking after them. [ 1 ] In all Foster attention instances, the kid s biological or adoptive parents, or other legal defenders, temporarily give up legal detention of the kid. ( The defender gives up detention, but non needfully legal care. ) A kid may be placed in surrogate attention with the parents consent. In a clear instance of maltreatment or disregard, a tribunal can order a kid into surrogate attention without the parents or defenders consent. Before any arrangement the Foster attention household is screened by the Government or bureau through a psychologist or societal worker that assess the Foster attention households under certain standards such as emotional stableness, motive, parental accomplishments and fiscal capablenesss. [ 2 ] The authorities provides surrogate households with an allotment taking in surrogate kids. They are required to utilize the financess to purchase the kid s nutrient, vesture, school supplies, and other minor expenses. Most of the surrogate parent s duties toward the Foster kid are clearly defined in a legal contract. Foster arrangements may last for a individual twenty-four hours or several hebdomads ; some continue for old ages. If the parents give up their rights for good, or their rights to their kid are severed by the tribunal, the surrogate household may follow the Foster kid or the kid may be placed for acceptance by aliens. [ 3 ] The Aim of Foster Care System Harmonizing to Hayden ( 1999 ) , the purpose of Foster attention system is to protect and back the security of the kid, while supplying surrogate parents and biological parents with the sufficient resources and available services needed to keep the kid s healthy development. Foster attention environments are proposed to be topographic points of safety and comfort, and are monitored by several public assistance bureaus, representatives, and social workers. Personal social workers assigned to a Foster kid by the province or county are accountable for oversing the arrangement of the kid into an appropriate Foster attention system or place. The social worker besides carries out regular visits to the Foster attention household place to supervise advancement. Other agents involved in a kid s arrangement into surrogate attention may include private service suppliers, public assistance bureaus, insurance agents, psychologists, and substance maltreatment counsellors. Types of Foster Care Parents may voluntarily put kids into Foster attention for assorted grounds. Such surrogate arrangements are monitored until the biological household can supply appropriate attention for the kid, or the biological parental rights are terminated and the kid is adopted. A 3rd option, known as care, is sometimes utilised in certain instances where a kid can non be reunified with their birth household and acceptance is non a suited solution. This by and large includes some older surrogate kids who may be strongly bonded to their household of beginning and unwilling to prosecute acceptance. Voluntary Foster attention may be utilized in fortunes where a parent is unable or unwilling to care for a kid ; a kid may hold behavioral or psychological jobs necessitating specialised intervention, or the parent might hold a job which consequences in a impermanent or lasting inability to care for the kid. Involuntary Foster attention is implemented when a kid is removed from their health professional for his or her ain personal safety. A surrogate parent receives pecuniary reimbursement from the arrangement bureau for each Foster kid while the kid is in his or her place to assist cover the cost of run intoing the kid s demands ( Dorsey et al 2008 ) stated that in many states, most of the kids enter the Foster attention system due to pretermit. Children may fall in the Foster attention system via Voluntary or nonvoluntary agencies. Voluntary arrangement may go on when the biological parents are confronting troubles to take attention of the kid. Involuntary arrangement occurs when the kid is being at hazard under the attention of the biological parents. Adoption and Foster Care Reporting System recorded, different types of furthering such as: ( I ) Foster household place, comparative A accredited or unaccredited place of the kid s relations regarded by the province as a Foster attention populating agreement for the kid. ( two ) Foster household place, non-relative A accredited Foster household place regarded by the province as a Foster attention populating agreement. ( three ) Group place or Institution A group place is a accredited or approved place supplying 24-hour attention for kids in a little group puting that by and large has from 7 to twelve kids. An Institution is a installation operated by a public or private bureau and supplying 24-hour attention and/or intervention for kids who require separation from their ain places and group populating experience. These installations may include kid attention establishments, residential intervention installations, or pregnancy places. Problems in Foster Care System [ 1 ] Foster kids face a figure of jobs both within and outside the Foster attention system. Foster kids are more vulnerable to pretermit, maltreatment, household disfunction, poorness, and terrible psychological conditions. The injury caused to a kid when removed from their place is besides terrible and may do depression, choler, and confusion. Surveies have shown that psychological conditions of abused and ignored kids are required to better when placed in surrogate attention, nevertheless the separation from their biological parents doing traumatic consequence on the kid. Children with histories of ill-treatment, such as physical and psychological disregard, physical maltreatment, and sexual maltreatment, are frequently at hazard of developing terrible psychiatric jobs and may be described as sing trauma-attachment jobs. The injury experienced may be the consequence of maltreatment or disregard, inflicted by a primary health professional, which disrupts the normal development of secure fond regard. Associated Problems with Foster Care Child In long term the Foster attention kids suffer from psychological, cognitive and epigenetic effects. The Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study on Foster attention kids showed that Foster attention kids, were found to hold dual the incidence of depression, and were found to hold a higher rate of post-traumatic emphasis upset ( PTSD ) than combat veterans. Tarren-Sweeny ( 2010 ) reported that Children in Foster attention have a higher chance of holding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and shortages in executive operation, anxiousness every bit good as other developmental jobs. Neurodevelopmental Disorder A neurodevelopmental upset is an damage of the growing and development of the encephalon or cardinal nervous system. It refers to a encephalon upset of encephalon map that affects emotion, larning ability and memory and that unfolds as the single grows. Most Foster attention kids are placed in surrogate attention households at a really immature age which is a critical period for the kids as the development of mental and psychological procedures occur during early childhood. Harmonizing to kristen Rollins, the human encephalon does non develop to the full until the age of 25, and one of the most critical periods of encephalon development occurs in the first 3-4 old ages. Therefore, the human encephalon is influenced by negative environmental factors such as emotional disregard, hapless nutrition and exposure to force in the place and any type of maltreatments. The survey by McCrory E et Al ( 2010 ) states that the negative environmental factors influences all countries of neurodevelopment: neurogenesis ( creative activity of new nerve cells ) , programmed cell death ( decease and resorption of nerve cells ) , migration ( of nerve cells to different parts of the encephalon ) , synaptogenesis ( creative activity of synapses ) , synaptic sculpturing ( finding the makeup of the synapse ) , arborization ( the growing of dendritic connexions, myelinzation ( protective covering of nerve cells ) , and an expansion of the encephalon s ventricles, which can do cortical wasting including reduced activity of the prefrontal cerebral mantle. Harden BJ ( 2004 ) studies that Foster kids have elevated degrees of hydrocortisone, a emphasis endocrine in comparing to kids raised by their biological parents. Elevated hydrocortisone degrees can diminish the immune system. Post traumatic emphasis upset ( PTSD ) Harmonizing to Dubber ( 1999 ) 60 % of kids in surrogate attention who were sexually abused had post traumatic emphasis upset ( PTSD ) . 18 % of kids who were non abused faced PTSD merely by witnessing force at place. These kids so suffer from intrusive memories, flashbacks, turning away, and psychological and physiological responsiveness. Eating Disorders Eating upsets refer to a group of conditions defined by unnatural eating wonts that may affect either insufficient or excessive nutrient consumption to the hurt of an person s physical and mental wellness . Hudson, JI ; Hiripi, E ; Pope Jr, HG ; Kessler, RC ( 2007 ) . Harmonizing to Hadfield Sc ( 2008 ) , Obesity in all age groups of kids has become an increasing concern in recent old ages. Children in Foster attention are more prone to go fleshy and corpulent, and in a survey done in the United Kingdom, 35 % of surrogate kids experienced an addition in Body Mass Index ( BMI ) one time in attention. The kids besides suffer from Food Maintenance Syndrome which is a form of inordinate feeding and nutrient acquisition and care behavior without coincident obsesity. The syndrome is said to be caused by emphasis and ill-treatment of Foster attention kids. Tarren-Sweeney ( 2006 ) analyze provinces that kids in Foster attention besides suffer from Food Maintenance Syndrome which is characterized by a set of deviant eating behaviours of kids in Foster attention. It is a form of inordinate feeding and nutrient acquisition and care behaviours without coincident fleshiness ; it resembles the behavioural correlatives of Hyperphagic Short Stature . It is hypothesised that this syndrome is triggered by the emphasis and ill-treatment Foster kids are subjected to. Northwest Foster Care Alumini survey ( 2011 ) studies that Bulimina Nervosa is seven times more prevailing among former Foster kids than in general population. Epigenetic effects of environment Harmonizing to Weaver ( 2004 ) negative environmental influences, such as maternal want, kid maltreatment and emphasis have a profound consequence on cistron look, including transgenerational epigenetic effects in which physiological and behavioural ( rational ) transportation of information across generations-not-yet-conceived is effected. Neighh GN et Al ( 2009 ) states that the effects of maltreatment may be extended beyond the immediate victim into subsequent coevalss as a effect of epigenetic effects transmitted straight to offspring. Suicide -Death Rate Charles ( 1991 ) states Children in Foster attention households are at a greater hazard of self-destruction. Children from foster attention households as compared to general population have a hazard ratio of self-destructive efforts of four to five clip greater. A survey conducted in Finland have indicated that kids in Foster attention have a higher mortality rate compared to the general population due to incidence of ague and chronic medical conditions and developmental holds. ( Kalland M,2001 ) Academic Prospects Harmonizing to Neild Ruth et Al ( 2006 ) Foster attention kids tend to underperform academically with many neer finishing high school. The kids have low concentration in category and execute ill in tests. Very few kids attempt University and obtain a grade. Barriers in Foster attention System Timing in Placement Childs are more prone to see insecurity in the Foster place during the initial stage of arrangement, particularly in the first six to seven months. ( Mary Bruce Webb et Al, ( 2010 ) Peter J Pecora, James K. Whittaker et Al, ( 2010 ) suggest that older kids experience arrangement Stability during the initial stage compared to babies. In order to diminish the opportunities for arrangement break which kids usually experience during the initial stage of arrangement, it is recommended that kids develop trust and non experience lost in the system. Features of the Home ( Berridge A ; Cleaver, 1987 ) stated that kids have trouble to accommodate in surrogate place when they are placed with other kids who are approximately the same age or if they are placed in surrogate places where the Foster parents have kids of their ain. Foster Children placed with other kids may experience insecure and get down viing for fondness and mercenary objects finally this leads to struggles in the Foster attention household. Children s mental and behavioural wellness Harmonizing to J.Gavin Bremner A ; Theodore D.Wachs ( 2010 ) , Child behavior jobs is among the frequent ground that Foster parents request the remotion of a kid in their attention. Children over the age of four ( 4 ) are more prone to see placement instability due to behavioral jobs. ( Strijker, Zandberg, A ; van der Meulen, 2002 ) Foster Parent Characteristics Training and support for surrogate parents are of a paramount importance to avoid kids see break in their Foster homeFoster parents who have bigger support system such as extended household are more possible to supply a secure arrangement for the kid. . ( Walsh A ; Walsh 1990 ; Redding et al 2000 ) . Furthermore, surrogate parents who seize suited hope and understand causes and ground for a kid s behavior is prognostic of placement stableness. ( Butler A ; Charles 1999 ) Reding in the Foster Care System Definition of reding Reding frequently described as speaking therapy , is a procedure aimed at supplying clients with the clip and infinite to research their jobs, understand their jobs, and decide, or come to footings with their jobs, in a confidential scene. The Royal College ( 2006 a ) defines reding merely as a type of psychotherapeutics which helps people reference and decide their jobs and work through their feelings . ( Jan Sutton A ; William stewart,2008 ) Reding involves the development of a relationship between the client and a trained professional that focuses on the client s concerns and troubles. it is a procedure in which persons have the chance to better upon their apprehension of themselves, including their forms of ideas, behaviors, feelings and the ways in which these may hold been debatable in their lives. Counselling is a collaborative attempt as it involves the client and the counselor working together to place ends. Throughout the guidance procedure the client is encouraged, supported and empowered to look at himself/herself from a different position. The purpose is non merely to assist the client header with a current issue of crisis, but to make so in a manner that produces larning for the hereafter, so that the client can experience more in charge of his/her life. ( M.Ravi 2008 ) 3.4.1 Foster Child Counselling Williams ( 1994 ) , Children in Foster attention have frequently suffered maltreatment, disregard or ill-treatment. Trauma will impact kids in different ways, depending on age, household support, developmental degree and basic disposition. The aim of kid guidance ( taken from Children and Trauma ) include: aˆ? The safe release of feeling aˆ? Relief from symptoms and station traumatic behaviours aˆ? Recovery of a sense of command and control in life aˆ? Correction of misconstruing and self blame aˆ? Restoration of a sense of trust in oneself and the hereafter aˆ? Minimizing the cicatrixs of injury aˆ? Development of specific accomplishments or header tools The Therapy is meant to be a procedure to work through injury and assist a kid understand what has happened to him/her. It besides aims to assist a kid map better in the universe around him /her. 3.4.2 Foster Family Counselling ( Fernandez Elizabeth, 2010 ) Therapy does non alter household kineticss. Puting a kid in therapy will assist the kid but will non repair the jobs in the household. Family reding offers a better opportunity at successful household reunion. However, stairss need to be taken to supply aid to the kid and surrogate household who are in demand of reding. Therefore, counselors and healers need to build a relationship based on common trust for the guidance procedure to get down. Harmonizing to Silva ( 1991 ) , to set up curative common trust, there need to be the undermentioned demands: Accurate Empathy: The healer conveys his or her apprehension of the kid s background and experience ; Genuineness: The healer is every bit self-generated, tactful, flexible, and non-defensive as possible ; Handiness: The healer is accessible and available ( within ground ) when needed, and avoids doing promises and committednesss he or she can non realistically maintain ; Respect: This is both gracious and house, and acknowledges the kid s sense of liberty, control, and duty within the curative relationship. Respect is manifested by the healer s general attitude, every bit good as by certain specific actions Concreteness: Therapy should, at least ab initio be goal-oriented and have a problem-solving focal point. Foster parents are into action and consequences, and to the extent that it is clinically realistic, the curative attack should underscore active, problem-solving attacks before undertaking more sensitive and complex psychological issues. Reding Schemes and Techniques Blau ( 1994 ) recommends that the first meeting between the healer and the kid set up a safe and comfy working atmosphere by the healer s articulating: a positive indorsement of the Foster parents determination to seek aid ; a clear description of the healer s duties and restrictions with regard to confidentiality and privilege ; and Blau ( 1994 ) besides delineates a figure of effectual intercession schemes for surrogate kids including the followers: Attentive Listening: This includes good oculus contact, appropriate organic structure linguistic communication, and echt involvement, without inappropriate remark or break. Empathy: This curative attitude conveys handiness, concern, and consciousness of the disruptive emotions being experienced by the traumatised kids. Reassurance: In acute bahvioural state of affairss, this should take the signifier of realistically reassuring the kid that affairs will be taken attention of. Supportive Guidance: This includes effectual hearing, restatement of content, elucidation of feelings, and reassurance. In appropriate instances, this curative scheme can excite the officer to research implicit in emotional emphasiss that intensify a of course nerve-racking traumatic event. In a few instances, this may take to ongoing psychotherapeutics ( Miller, 2006 ) .

Monday, October 21, 2019

How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay Example

How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay Example How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay The GATT, otherwise known as the general agreement on tariffs and trade was established in 1947. It started with 23 founding members including the UK, its goal was to establish free trade between nations, it would do this by eliminating tariffs, subsidies, import quotas and any other form that would restrict the freedom of trade between any given country within its membership. It would achieve this not in the short term but over a series of eight rounds of discussions between the member countries in which the strategies to dissemble such barriers to trade would be discussed. After the last round of discussions in Uruguay (1986-93) it was decided that clarification and strengthening of GATT ideologies were needed, out of this desire the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was formed. The WTO was a formal organisation with structure, opposed to the agreement that was The GATT. This meant it had much more influence and power, especially when it came to intervening in trade disputes and enforcing such rules and regulations it had set out in its attempt to move the World closer to free trade. The successfulness of these organisations has been widely disputed over recent years and in this essay I will be looking at their effectiveness in promoting Free Trade. Many people would argue that there is no doubt that the GATT/WTO has been relatively successful to an extent in creating global free trade. The figures over their existence have shown a massive movement towards the globalisation of markets and thus free trade. Between the introduction of The GATT at the Geneva round in 1947 and the completion of Tokyo round of talks in 1979 the average tariff on imports declined 92% in America1. The overall figure for average tariffs on imports in industrial countries actually fell from 40% in 1947 to just about 4% at the end of the 1990s2. This was an astounding result, a result to which GATT/WTO will have played a major role. This undoubtedly lead to an increase in the overall levels of trade between nations and moved the world as whole one-step closer to Free Trade. The statistics actually show that between 1953 and 1963 world trade grew at a rate of 6. 1% per year over that period, whilst World income grew at 4. 3% per year3. Whilst between 1963 and 1973 both World trade and World income grew at even faster rates, with World trade growing at 8. 9% per year on average over the period and World Income growing at 5. 1% per year4. This again shows that the freedom of trade between nations was increasing and that the falling levels of protectionism and barriers to trade were having a positive effect on economic growth. This growth meant nations were becoming more confident on letting down their barriers and investing in foreign markets, as they were now more confident of a positive return. I also believe that the increasing number of countries joining the GATT/WTO and the larger numbers applying to be incorporated into the group is testament to the fact that it was being relatively successful in promoting free trade within its members. Countries outside the GATT/WTO have found themselves at a massive disadvantage, often incurring large trade deficits. This is because companies/consumers within member countries are very unlikely to import/purchase vast amounts of goods from outside the group, as it is likely to be much more expensive due to tariffs still being in place on their goods. Therefore since the creation of GATT in 1947 in which it had 23 members, membership had risen to 120 at the end of the Uruguay round of talks in 1993. In 2000, 7 years after the formation of the WTO we see a membership list of just over 140 countries, with a list of 29 countries negotiating to become members. Most extraordinary is that of these 29 countries negotiating a place within the WTO China is amongst them. Still a country with communistic base it is ready to allow free trade to an extent within its borders, this shows that the GATT/WTO has been quite successful in promoting free trade around the globe. More importantly it shows the extent to which being a member of this organisation is important economically. Therefore the more countries that join the closer the World gets to Ultimate Free Trade, as countries join lower barriers and tariffs will exist in these countries. After the conclusion of the Uruguay round of talks in 1993 the GATT obtained a number of agreements which can only lead the World closer to free trade. This included developed countries reducing tariff rates on imported manufactured goods to fewer than 4%5, this is the lowest tariff level on manufactured goods in history, which goes some way to showing the effectiveness of the GATT. It also agreed that tariffs on textile goods were to be seriously reduced over the next ten years, this is quite important as in many lesser-developed countries this an important industry, therefore it will enable them to export more to the developed World, and thus increase income. Therefore again it shows that the GATT has lead countries to a level of freedom of trade not previously seen. I also believe that the GATT/WTO has been successful in tackling disputes caused by lingering barriers to trade. Therefore if a barrier has been apparent the GATT/WTO has been relatively efficient in dealing with such disputes. Of the cases brought to the WTO since 1995 over 3/4ths had been solved by 20006. This goes some way to show that the WTO is monitoring situations carefully, and in most cases the dispute is resolved on orders of the WTO, In general, the countries involved in a dispute have adopted the WTOs recommendations7. The speed at which these negotiations are completed is testament to its ability to unite countries in one morale goal. This shows that when barriers are put up the WTO more often than not has knocked them down, thus meaning that we now more than ever enjoy more freedom within international markets an that the maintenance work on ensuring it stays this way is greater than ever. There is despite the positive results over the past 55 years many claims that the GATT/WTO has not been quite as successful in creating free trade as it would appear. It has been argued that countries have found ways around the GATT agreement, ways to cheat the system. The main way to cheat the system appeared to be voluntary export restraints (VERs) defined as A quota on trade imposed from the exporting countries side, instead of the importers, at the request of the importing government8. This meant that a country would put a quota on the amount they could export to a country because the importer had asked it to, this was usually undertaken in return for something else (e. g. a VER on one of its own goods. . This meant that both countries had no reason to call foul play, thus they would not make a complaint, without a complaint the GATT was powerless to do anything. This meant that there were indeed certain restrictions between such countries. Although the governments may have been agreed on such quotas, this may have still had a major effect on companies within these countries. Therefore Free Trade was definitely not apparent in these relations hips. The most obvious example of this was the VER agreed between Japan and the U. S. in which Japan would restrict its imports of cars into the U. S. in order to ease growing unease and resentment between the two. This was due to a massive trade deficit in the U. S. and growing unemployment caused by cheap imports pre-dominantly from Japan. Also the major argument against the successfulness of GATT/WTO is that although trade figures have improved amongst the developed nation since its existent, the performance of the lesser-developed countries within international trade has not hit the dizzy heights of the developed nations. From 1950 to 1980 Africa has seen very little change in the levels of foreign direct investment moving into the continent, and certainly no change in the levels at which foreign direct investment is being exerted elsewhere. Also more worryingly a number of developing countries have expressed concerns over the development of the GATT/WTO over recent years of hidden barriers set by developed nations, such as Labour/ Environmental standards to trade. Therefore if a certain standard is not met, restrictions are placed on the amount they can export. They claim this as being a way of keeping out cheap imports. Therefore again we see that there is claims of getting round the system, begging yet more questions on the efficiency of the WTO. It could also be argued that even without the GATT/WTO we might have still found that there was integration of global economic markets. The figures used previously in depicting growth in World trade and World income were taken in the 20 years after W. W. I I. Therefore there is an argument which suggests there was obviously going to be a general increase in World Trade after such a horrendous World war, which virtually brought trade to a stand still, these were recovery years. Thus the end of end of the war itself lead to economic recovery and thus in both World trade and World output we saw an increase. Therefore it is hard to distinguish how much of a role the GATT really played in integrating economies, we may have found that after the war protectionism would have fell anyway, as people felt safer with others. There are also factors to which GATT and the WTO may have differed in performance over the years, despite the fact that the WTO is a direct descendent of the GATT. In previous years although GATT encouraged countries to exhibit free trade, as described previously, it was only a Gentlemans agreement, an agreement between countries in order to progress the international economy. But it had no real substance; there was no power within it, as depicted in the above paragraphs. Thus only the pressure of the members of the group could lead to real change, thus they could not enforce rulings upon countries, even those within the group. Therefore was GATT really responsible for total change with the international economy? Countries within the group may have placed extra tariffs on countries, which did not comply. But wouldnt this of happened regardless of the GATT, collusions would have formed eventually in the after-math of W. W. II, I would suggest. Therefore the success GATT actually had maybe minimal. Maybe in fact the GATT was merely an official formation of already colluded groups. This is merely an open view of the situation. The WTO on the other hand does have power; it does have the power to impose sanctions. This is a much sharper organisation. Whose power extends that of GATT? Although from the figures it is hard to judge the success of the WTO in the few years since its formation, except for the problems between countries it has already solved. There is no doubt that the organisation should prove in the long run to increase free trade within the nations. We could also argue that the improvement in free trade within nations could be the result of technological advances, in the years since 1950 we have seen the development of a world wide airline network, the internet, faxs, telephone communications, satellite and also telexs. All these advances in technology encourage free trade. These are not factors enforced by GATT, but they do have a massive effect on encouraging free trade. Countries could communicate with each other like they could never before. Ventures in foreign countries became less adventurous; there was less of a risk element. These new communication capabilities enabled countries to control trade away from home with much more efficiency. Therefore I believe this is yet another factor which runs alongside the development of GATT/WTO which would also have played a huge part in the development of free trade. It is very hard to trade with another country if you can not communicate with them. Also the fall of the levels communism in many countries including much of the Soviet Union and China would have also played a huge part in the development of free trade. Before the fall of communism in many of these countries, levels of protectionism were high, and receptivity was low. Therefore the fall of communism led to lower levels of protectionism and higher receptivity of foreign trade10 Drawing the subject to a conclusion. I think we see that it is very hard to determine how successful the GATT/WTO have been in creating free trade. As it is shown there are number of other factors which have also lead the world towards an era closer to free trade, such as the advances in technology, the improvement in the money exchange system and the fall of communism to name but a few. All of these factors would in some part been responsible for moving the world towards globalisation. The problem is determining the importance of each factor and this includes WTO and GATT. There is no doubt that WTO/GATT has been successful in reducing tariffs, barriers to free trade as the figures have shown. But are we really that close to total free trade, Im sure the developing world would have some comment on that matter. The WTO/GATT also seemed to find it very hard to halt the invisible barriers to trade, the ways of getting round the system11 Thus although GATT/WTO has now been existent in 55 years, I think that it is very difficult to determine its success over this period.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Hydrogen Facts - H or Atomic Number 1

Hydrogen Facts - H or Atomic Number 1 Hydrogen is the chemical element with the element symbol H and atomic number 1. Its essential for all life and abundant in the universe, so its one element you should get to know better. Here are basic facts about the first element in the periodic table, hydrogen. Fast Facts: Hydrogen Element Name: HydrogenElement Symbol: HAtomic Number: 1Group: Group 1Classification: NonmetalBlock: s-blockElectron Configuration: 1s1Phase at STP: GasMelting Point: 13.99 K ​(−259.16  °C, ​−434.49  °F)Boiling Point: 20.271 K ​(−252.879  °C, ​−423.182  °F)Density at STP: 0.08988  g/LOxidation States: -1, 1Electronegativity (Pauling Scale): 2.20Crystal Structure: HexagonalMagnetic Ordering: DiamagneticDiscovery: Henry Cavendish (1766)Named By: Antoine Lavoisier (1783) Atomic Number: 1 Hydrogen is the first element in the periodic table, meaning it has an atomic number of 1 or 1 proton in each hydrogen atom. The name of the element comes from the Greek words  hydro  for water and  genes  for forming, since hydrogen bonds with oxygen to form water (H2O). Robert Boyle produced hydrogen gas in 1671 during an experiment with iron and acid, but hydrogen wasnt recognized as an element until 1766 by Henry Cavendish. Atomic Weight: 1.00794 This makes hydrogen the lightest element. It is so light, the pure element isnt bound by Earths gravity. So, there is very little hydrogen gas left in the atmosphere. Massive planets, such as Jupiter, consist mainly of hydrogen, much like the Sun and stars. Even though hydrogen, as a pure element, bonds to itself to form H2, its still lighter than a single atom of helium because most hydrogen atoms dont have any neutrons. In fact, two hydrogen atoms (1.008 atomic mass units per atom) are less than half the mass of one helium atom (atomic mass 4.003). Hydrogen Facts Hydrogen is the most abundant element. About 90% of the atoms and 75% of the element mass of the universe is hydrogen, usually in the atomic state or as plasma. Although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the human body in terms of numbers of atoms of the element, its only 3rd in abundance by mass, after oxygen and carbon, because hydrogen is so light. Hydrogen exists as a pure element on Earth as a diatomic gas, H2, but its rare in Earths atmosphere because it is light enough to escape gravity and bleed into space. The element remains common at the Earths surface, where it is bound into water and hydrocarbons to be the third most abundant element.There are three natural isotopes of hydrogen: protium, deuterium, and tritium. The most common isotope of hydrogen is protium, which has 1 proton, 0 neutrons, and 1 electron. This makes hydrogen the only element that can have atoms without any neutrons! Deuterium has 1 proton, 1 neutron, and 1 electron. Although this isotope is heavie r than protium, deuterium is not radioactive. However, tritium does emit radiation. Tritium is the isotope with 1 proton, 2 neutrons, and 1 electron. Hydrogen gas is extremely flammable. It is used as a fuel by the space shuttle main engine and was associated with the famous explosion of the Hindenburg airship. While many people consider oxygen to be flammable, it actually doesnt burn. However, its an oxidizer, which is why hydrogen is so explosive in air or with oxygen.Hydrogen compounds commonly are called hydrides.Hydrogen may be produced by reacting metals with acids (e.g., zinc with hydrochloric acid).The physical form of hydrogen at room temperature and pressure is a colorless and odorless gas. The gas and liquid are nonmetals, but when hydrogen is compressed into a solid, the element is an alkali metal. Solid crystalline metallic hydrogen has the lowest density of any crystalline solid.Hydrogen has many uses, though most hydrogen is used for processing fossil fuels and in the production of ammonia. It is gaining importance as an alternate fuel that produces energy by combustion, similar to what happens in fossil fuel engine s. Hydrogen is also used in fuel cells that react hydrogen and oxygen to produce water and electricity. In compounds, hydrogen can take a negative charge (H-) or a positive charge (H).Hydrogen is the only atom  for which the Schrà ¶dinger equation has an exact solution. Sources Emsley, John (2001). Natures Building Blocks. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 183–191. ISBN 978-0-19-850341-5.Hydrogen. Van Nostrands Encyclopedia of Chemistry. Wylie-Interscience. 2005. pp. 797–799. ISBN 978-0-471-61525-5.Stwertka, Albert (1996). A Guide to the Elements. Oxford University Press. pp. 16–21. ISBN 978-0-19-508083-4.Weast, Robert (1984). CRC, Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Boca Raton, Florida: Chemical Rubber Company Publishing. ISBN 978-0-8493-0464-4.Wiberg, Egon; Wiberg, Nils; Holleman, Arnold Frederick (2001). Inorganic chemistry. Academic Press. p. 240. ISBN 978-0123526519.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ethnic Identity in Social, Political and Economic Life Coursework

Ethnic Identity in Social, Political and Economic Life - Coursework Example The value of ethnic identity in the context of social, political and economic life is reviewed in this paper. Efforts are made so that the influence of ethnic identity on ethnic affiliations is clearly described. The various assumptions developed in regard to this issue, as identified in the relevant literature, are compared. It is made clear that ethnic identity is a core part of modern social, political and economic life but its power to influence key social, political and economic decisions worldwide is differentiated, a fact probably related to the different perceptions of people in each state in regard to the context of ethnic identity and its requirements, meaning the terms under which ethnic identity can be considered as secured. Also, different levels of freedom exist internationally in regard to the potential limitations of ethnic identity, a fact leading often too severe social, political and economic conflicts, either in the internal and the external environment of modern states.   The representation of ethnic identity in a variety of social, political and economic activities is extensive. Moreover, the literature published in this field leads to the assumption that the forms of ethnic identity in social, political and economic life can vary. Reference can be made for instance to the relationship between identity and language. In accordance with Fishman and Garcia (2010), identity is reflected in a series of identity practices, including specific linguistic choices (Fishman and Garcia 40). These identify practices, if viewed as a unit, constitute ethnicity, as a social phenomenon.

Friday, October 18, 2019

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY & PROSPECTUS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

& PROSPECTUS - Annotated Bibliography Example Certain theorists and researchers consider that the problem is related to the personal characteristics of children/ adolescents. Others state that it is mainly the environment, social – including family – and political, that negatively influences the behavior of children/ adolescents within educational settings. At the same time, children/ adolescents with specific habits, such as the participation in video-games that include violent scenes, who are more likely to use violence when they feel that their interests are threatened. Current paper is expected to contribute in understanding the actual causes of violence in schools. Particular emphasis has been given on the relationship between violence and specific social, political and economic conditions. The role of family, as a factor initiating the use of violence, is also reviewed. The paper offers analytical explanations not only on the aspects and the causes of violence in schools, but also on the measures that would be introduced for the control of the phenomenon. Statistical data, recent as possible, have been also employed in order to reflect the historically development of the phenomenon, the expansion of which is continuous, a fact that had a decisive role in choosing the particular subject. The paper of Benbenishty and Astor has been presented in the context of the IV World Conference in regard to the violence in schools; the Conference took place in Lisbon, in 2008. The paper has been chosen as it includes a range of valuable information in regard to the specific phenomenon, as expanded worldwide. A series of incidents of school violence are presented; these incidents have taken place in countries with different cultures, including Japan, USA, Finland and Malaysia. The incorporation of the paper in the reference list of the specific study has been considered as necessary in order to highlight the aspects of violence in school, as a global

Pharmacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pharmacy - Essay Example Another challenge that will be faced by pharmacists in the upcoming years (as it is today, too) is staying up-to-date. A pharmacist is expected to be in step with all possible new information in his/her field. This means being aware and familiar with the new medical information that is released and new meds that are developed and put on sale. As the information in our field is constantly changing, it is paramount to stay in the know. A pharmacist can overcome this challenge decently with help of keeping a close watch on medical news, reading current medical journals and participating in Continuous Education (CE) programs. In general, a pharmacist should seek out information that will broaden his/her horizons and improve overall knowledge. Regardless of the field of pharmacology we are involved in, we will need to interact with patients for sure. This is the part of work that will stay unchangeable and relevant forever. Although this challenge may be looming for some of us, working with patients is an integral part of pharmacy. The specificity of the target group pharmacists work with and considering all the characteristic aspects are very important. Thus, pharmacists should work on a patient-friendly communication style. It is important that complex medical information is delivered to patients in a way easily understood by them. Moreover, our target group typically includes people who are not in the pink, i.e. suffering from pain or illness. That should be kept in mind when working with patients in order to approach them with respect and provide qualified assistance. As pharmacists we all will face many complicated tasks and challenges during our professional career. However, right attitude, appropriate communication style and growing knowledge base, could help us to turn challenges into personally and professionally rewarding experiences. As my primary goal is to gain profound knowledge and professional qualification that would allow me to

The Valentine Day Massacre Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Valentine Day Massacre - Research Paper Example Schwinger and John May, along with five other members of the North Side Irish gang were lined up against a wall and were executed using Thompson sub-machine guns.3 The Victims were executed against the inside rear of a wall belonging to SMC Cartage Company garage at 2122 North Clark street on Lincoln Park neighborhood in Chicago, later the wall became famous as the Massacre wall. The Wall remains the most important artifact of the event. The infamous wall received world wide press coverage because photos depicting the bloody aftermath of the massacre were published world wide.4 According to the coroner’s report, seven machine gun bullets and two shot gun blasts were fired on the seven victims lined against the Massacre Wall. Out of seven, one victim managed to survive for several hours in the hospital but, he refused to name his killers.5 The murders were committed by gangsters, handpicked by Al Capone, who hired them outside the city to minimize the chances of being recognize d by the North Side Irish gang victims. The case still remains officially unsolved because no one was ever convicted of the crime. Al Capone was a very powerful gangster and the event of Valentine Massacre took place at the height of his power in Chicago. The influence of Al Capone on Chicago can be analyzed from the following quote: â€Å"At the height of his power Al Capone carried everyone- from the mayor of Chicago, police captains and judges, to the bell-boys at his luxurious hotel residence – around his pockets like loose change, and used his power to exploit society’s ubiquitously puissant blend of fear and greed.† 6 Jack McGurn was the right hand man of Al Capone and it was him, who was the master mind behind the Valentine Massacre.7 Jack McGurn was a perfect example of archetypal good- boy-gone-bad, who harbored a vicious criminality which was perfectly mirrored by the gruesome events of Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre. Jack McGurn was paradoxical and his actions left an indelible impression in the history of America. Jack McGurn and Al Capone staged the murders meticulously in an attempt to eliminate George Bugs Moran. The groundwork devised by Jack McGurn was not only devilishly spectacular but was meticulous as well.8 Jack and Al Capone planned that their hired killers will lure George Moran and his favorite men to warehouse of SMC Cartage Company, by offering them an irresistible deal, which in the case was, a load of hijacked whiskey.9 According to Jack’s plan, Once Moran and his men enter the warehouse, killers disguised as policemen will arrive at the scene, pretending to arrest them, but will kill them instead. Al Capone and Jack McGurn knew that they both would be suspected so they conveniently went out of town, when the massacre took place. Al Capone went on vacation to Florida while Jack went safely elsewhere. Unfortunately, the timing went wrong and the plan misfired because Moran arrived late at the wareh ouse and saw the disguised killers getting out of the police car. Moran was scared and he fled. Therefore, the killers executed seven men that were already there at the warehouse garage.10 Then the two killers disguised as uniformed police officers led the other men at gunpoint, out of the garage after successfully carrying out the shooting. John

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Casa de Diseo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Casa de Diseo - Case Study Example riod by offering credit terms of 3/10 net 60, what additional savings in resource investment costs will result for the shortened cash conversion cycle, assuming that the level of sales remains constant? If the firm’s variable cost of $40,000,000 in sales is 80%, determine the reduction in average investment in accounts receivable and the annual savings that will result from this reduced investment, assuming that sales remain constant. Teresa Leal should continue focusing on how the company can reduce the accounts receivable (money customers owe the company), a move that will automatically reduce the bad debt expense. The company should continue with its new strategy of offering cash discounts since the analysis has confirmed that it is a wise idea. However, the company’s management should also focus on how it can reduce the cost of offering cash discounts since it appears as if it is still relatively high (Fernandes,

Fair Use of Web Content Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fair Use of Web Content - Essay Example Exclusion of credit is equivalent to unoriginality or taking. Giving fitting credit establish that the works that were utilized were not stolen. Coombe states that when protected intellectual property works are utilized for personal use, it is with the comprehension that the individual utilizing the works wont gain money from this use, nor will they mishandle the exemption rights allowed under present Federal statutes. (1998). Boyle argues that at the point when people utilize the copyrighted materials of others for particular increase, they may well lose any reasonable use exemptions and be obliged to acquire particular authorization from the copyright holder. (2000). The data framework, in the same way as the communication network on which it builds, is worldwide, yet there is respectable variety in distinctive countries laws, implementation arrangements, and even cultural attitudes to IP. The Constitution sanctions Congress to secure an administrative plan " to promote Science and the useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors . . . the exclusive right to their writings . . . ." Accordingly, Congress instituted the Copyright Act of 1909, which it later replaced with the Copyright Act of 1976 (the "Copyright Act"). The prior dangers demonstrate that copyright holders face generous dangers online. All things considered, we recently have adequate proof that licensed innovation is as of now being made for distribution on the Internet (Boyle, 2000). In reality, a stunning very nearly unmanageable-amount of licensed innovation keeps on being processed and made accessible online in spite of these threats. Therefore, regardless of the statements of the individuals who accept that the dangers postured online to copyrighted works might bring about disincentives to make and disseminate meets expectations, it seems different strengths are grinding away on the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Casa de Diseo Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Casa de Diseo - Case Study Example riod by offering credit terms of 3/10 net 60, what additional savings in resource investment costs will result for the shortened cash conversion cycle, assuming that the level of sales remains constant? If the firm’s variable cost of $40,000,000 in sales is 80%, determine the reduction in average investment in accounts receivable and the annual savings that will result from this reduced investment, assuming that sales remain constant. Teresa Leal should continue focusing on how the company can reduce the accounts receivable (money customers owe the company), a move that will automatically reduce the bad debt expense. The company should continue with its new strategy of offering cash discounts since the analysis has confirmed that it is a wise idea. However, the company’s management should also focus on how it can reduce the cost of offering cash discounts since it appears as if it is still relatively high (Fernandes,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

WestJet Airlines Ltd. WestJet and Air Canada Term Paper

WestJet Airlines Ltd. WestJet and Air Canada - Term Paper Example It also has a loyalty card and rewards program (WestJet, n.d.). Key Features and Benefits The company renders flight security services with also helping the people book flights, hotels and car rentals from airports online. In terms of special benefits the company renders special privileges for persons relating to special categories and also pertaining to the maternity category (WestJet, n.d.). WestJet in competition to Air Canada has introduced ‘premium economy’ seats to help the consumers enjoy an extra leg space that would be made available in the first four rows of the airlines. Though the booking of the ‘premium economy’ seats would tend to charge more from the consumers yet a comparison drawn reflects that the charge is half than charged by other premium airlines in the course of rendering boarding and on-flight amenities to its passengers. This premium seating model of the company helps WestJet to continue with its low cost position (Hasselt, 2012). We stJet’s Product Life Cycle The Product Life Cycle curve for a company has four stages like Introductory, Growth, Maturity and Decline. WestJet reflects a growth in terms of market revenues and passenger traffic along the periods ranging from 2007 to 2011 from $2127 to $3072 million and from 14,545 to 21,186 million respectively. Thus WestJet falls in the Growth stage (WestJet, 2011, p.6). Products Rendered by WestJet and Consumer Needs WestJet renders online booking of flight, hotel and other hospitality services for both business and corporate passengers along with vacationers. Along with insurance and security benefits the company also renders an extensive reward program catered to meet the needs of loyal consumers (WestJet, 2011, p.10-14). Passengers through the above services can book their flights and hotels associated with the airline company in an online fashion that helps in making their tour more comfortable. Insurance and security benefits help the passengers retrie ve their expenses related to their vacation and tours in cases of any emergency. Further the loyalty scheme of the airlines company helps the consumers avail special discounts and promotions rendered by WestJet during special occasions. WestJet’s Offerings vs. Its Competitors West Jet’s service offerings in comparison to other flight servicing companies operating in the Canadian landscape like Air Canada and American Airlines gain dominance in being able to provide the best quality of service at highly affordable or economic rates. Moreover the company operating on the basis of hub and spoke model reflects higher interconnectivity than its competitors (Grant, et al., n.d.). When, How and by Whom are the services of WestJet Procured Flight touring services and amenities rendered by WestJet are procured by people in times of deciding on vacations and also while planning to take short business tours. Services and amenities rendered by WestJet relating to booking of flight s, hotels, car rental services along with travel insurance benefits can be availed by the consumers through the help of online portals. The consumer or passenger traffic in WestJet consists thus of passengers that are frequent vacationers or are tending to visit places relating to their business and professional needs (WestJet, 2010, p.9; Lamb, 2011, p.571). Market Segments of WestJet WestJet mainly focuses on being a low-cost carrier rendering services to economy class passengers. Moreover the airlines company also caters to the needs of consumer segments through the transportation of cargo commodities on board (Aylen, 2012, p.250). Consumer or market segmentation of WestJet can be made in terms of Leisure Class Passengers that tend to avail flights for tour or vacation

Monday, October 14, 2019

Treaments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Treaments for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Posttraumatic stress disorder occurs when individuals experience intrusive effects of a disturbing event that they have experienced for more than one month. PTSD is also marked by an individual’s determined avoidance of any stimuli that might remind them of the aforementioned event, along with a marked shift in mood and behavior which is distressing to the people around them. Over the years, a number of therapeutic techniques have been used to treat PTSD. Due to their effectiveness, exposure therapies and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) are two of the most widely used of these techniques. These have been utilized to treat soldiers as well as civilians who have experienced trauma. However, the nuances of their application, in terms of their effectiveness against specific demographics have yet to be determined. This paper will critically evaluate a number of different studies conducted using exposure techniques, EMDR, or both and determine their effectivenes s in treating individuals with PTSD. Even though EMDR has its roots in exposure therapy, for the purposes of this study, EMDR and exposure therapies will be regarded as two distinctive therapeutic techniques (CITE). One of the biggest issues faced by PTSD treatment research is a large number of studies with subpar methodologies. Due to this, Foa and Meadows (1997) published seven standards that should be present in any research that deals with treatment outcomes of PTSD. They are known as the â€Å"Gold Standards† for treatment outcome studies. According to Foa and Meadows, every suitable PTSD research should have clearly defined symptoms; reliable and valid measures; use of independent evaluators; trained assessors; manualized, replicable, specific treatment programs; treatment adherence; and an unbiased assignment to treatment. Ready et al. (2012) provides an effective utilization of group-based exposure therapy which sets the precedent in favor of exposure techniques among veteran soldiers. Their decision to divide the participants into three groups of ten ensures that every individual can form personal connections with other members of the group given the limited time of the treatment program. The small group size also allows the participants, who would typically avoid social situations, to not feel overwhelmed when asked to share their experiences. On the other hand, the lack of any gender diversity within the sample group reduces external validity and adds to the stereotype that only men who have been in combat suffer from PTSD. Given the comorbidity of PTSD and substance abuse (CITE), using drug abuse as exclusion criteria further decreases its external validity. Allocating the first part of the program to forming support groups among participants is an effective use of the small sample size. It also helps in prolonging the social and emotional support that participants get during the program so that they will continue to support each other after its conclusion. Using each individual’s presentations as a form of exposure allows for a highly personalized exposure treatment while allowing them to understand that others have faced the same situations that they have. However, since they are required to listen to it as homework, it can only be effective with highly motivated participants. Seeing the long-term effectiveness of this type of exposure technique, Ready et al. (2012) proposed that the number of times that participants are required to listen to the presentations be increased from 10 to 20, which would theoretically increase the rate at which symptoms of PTSD would disappear. Overall, group based exposure therapy (GBET) is shown to be an effective short-term and long-term treatment for PTSD. Through research conducted in a Ugandan refugee camp, Neuner et al. (2008) demonstrated that, even with laypersons with minimal training in psychotherapy, exposure techniques such as narrative exposure therapy (NET) can be used to treat PTSD. Just nine research assistants, all laypersons, were employed to conduct this study among a sample size of 277 individuals. While they were given a 6 week crash course on therapeutic techniques and communication skills, the use of unqualified personal to treat psychological disorders is unethical and could have negatively affected the participants being treated. Furthermore, it would have been better to use research assistants who weren’t from the camps that the study was being conducted on; this would have decreased threats to the validity of the study such as demand characteristics and participant expectations. However, the subject of PTSD wasn’t alien to the laypersons since all of them had been diagnosed with it at one point or another, meaning that they could empathize with the participants via personal experience. Since follow-up assessments showed that 70% of the participants who underwent NET can no longer be diagnosed with PTSD, this type of psychotherapy can be used in war-torn regions where professional help isn’t readily available. But the validity of the final results can be questioned due to the large number of participants who could not be located for the post-test and follow-up sessions, even though the study had adjusted for attrition during participant selection. Another exposure technique, known as imagery rescripting and exposure therapy (IRET), was used by Long et al. (2011) to treat nightmares associated with PTSD. Like in the aforementioned case of Ready et al. (2012), this program also suffered from the issue of being all male. Furthermore, the temporal relevance of the study can be questioned since the participants were primarily veterans of the Vietnam War and none of the participants had participated in active combat since the early 1990s. While IRET had great success in decreasing the frequency of nightmares and increasing the quality of sleep, it wasn’t shown to have any effect on other symptoms associated with PTSD. The validity of these findings can be further questioned by the fact that the mean age for the participants were 62.1 years; meaning that their sleep disturbances may be the result of factors other than PTSD. Despite all of this, the self-employed and individualized exposure techniques used in this study, along with the extensive psychoeducation that preceded it, makes it a highly effective tool to treat nightmares associated with PTSD, even in individuals who have been suffering from it for decades. Rothbaum, Astin, and Marstellar (2005) attempted to compare the efficacy of prolonged exposure therapy (PE) to EMDR with respect to the treatment of rape victims. One of the things that stood out from this study was the fact that every assessment and evaluation that is required during the course of the study was conducted by independent, blind evaluators. In addition to that the integrity of the specific therapies was measured by assessors who rated them highly. The sample size used was appropriate but a high dropout rate, combined with a few peculiar additions to the sample groups negatively affects the validity and reliability of the study; three participants who would not have otherwise been able to pass the exclusion criteria were allowed to participate in the study. It also used the participant’s subjective opinion on the most significant events in their lives, on which the treatments were focused on, which stands out due to the lengths they went to make the results of th is study independent and objective. Furthermore, the remarkable success at which both PE and EMDR was able to treat the participants, raises questions on the reliability of the treatment process; 95% of the PE group and 75% of the EMDR group of patients who have been suffering from PTSD for over a decade, were no longer diagnosable as PTSD patients after a treatment process that lasted a few weeks. Despite all that, the efficacy of both exposure techniques and EMDR in treatment compared to no treatment cannot be questioned. Ahmad, Larsson, and Sundlein-Wahlsten’s (2006) study, which was conducted using participants between the ages of 6 to 16, demonstrated that PTSD is prevalent even among children. The randomized controlled nature of the study along with the independent assessments makes it high in internal validity. Participants on the control group of this also showed improvements; they however, improved in non PTSD related symptoms. Moreover, the inventory that was administered had been modified in such a way that it can be understood and used easily with children. Furthermore, a more extensive evaluation can be carried out in the form of longitudinal studies or case studies regarding the relationship between PTSD in children and the history of mental illness in their family. Like many other programs which tested different treatments of PTSD, this study lacked a larger sample size, and utilized extensive exclusion criteria; this could affect its generalizability. In addition to this, they fai led to make independent assessments of their follow-up evaluations, affecting its claim of having blind assessments. Similar to Rothbaum, Astin, and Marstellar’s (2005) study which used the victim’s subjective opinion of their worst experience in order to conduct their PTSD assessment, this study also decided to focus on one single incident that the young participants or their guardians deemed significant. This is an effective method of administering EMDR, since it is more efficient in treating specific memories that are distressing to the participants. However, in a broader perspective, while a case can be made to the point that subjective opinions of individuals’ most distressing events are relevant to treating PTSD since it’s the individuals themselves who are experiencing them, it should also be pointed out that what an individual considers to be the most significant event in his/her life need not be the most significant event in terms of psychological and emotional trauma. Therefore, it should be best to conduct extensive background checks before any kind of decisio n is made regarding the significance of any life events. In a study published by Taylor et al. (2003), a side by side comparison of prolonged exposure therapy and EMDR with respect to specific symptoms of PTSD was conducted to determine which technique was more effective against each of them. Compared to most other studies conducted regarding PTSD, this study had a fairly large sample size (n=60) with the majority of them being Caucasian and women. While the study employed an impressive sample size, since the participants were primarily diagnosed with chronic and severe forms of PTSD, the external validity of the results can be brought into question. However, since most of the participants of the study had chronic PTSD, it reduces the possibility that the changes that were observed in the pretests and posttests are purely due to temporal changes. The validity can be further questioned due to the difference in educational qualifications of the two therapists who administered these therapeutics techniques. However, independent expert assessm ent of their interrater reliability produced high scores, disproving these doubts. Moreover, the treatments were administered using standardized manuals which increased the validity of the study by ensuring that all participants received near as similar treatments as possible. This study is the first study to have achieved the aforementioned â€Å"gold Standard† for PTSD outcome treatment research (CITE). This study’s observed reductions in PTSD symptoms for all three subject groups were determined by the authors as a result of the effect of unintended exposure during relaxation training and EMDR techniques. This contradicts with the belief that in EMDR, eye movement â€Å"enhances the retrieval of episodic memory and increases cognitive flexibility† (CITE). While exposure techniques and eye movement desensitizing and reprocessing (EMDR) are similar to each other in many ways and are efficacious in their treatment of PTSD, their approaches, implementations, and goals are quite different from one another. EMDR treats PTSD by asking the patients to subjectively choose the memory or experience that they think is causing them the most distress and treating them so that they are desensitized to this particular experience. The root of their PTSD is determined to be their most distressing memory and by desensitizing them to that experience and the re-experiencing that follows it, they are shown to have significant decrease in symptoms of PTSD. While some specialized exposure therapies employ similar approaches, others such as the NET and GBET explores an individual’s whole life or a particular period in which they were susceptible to distressing experiences respectively. This method allows the therapist to play a part in determining the most significant event in an individual’s life and adjusting the treatment process accordingly. In addition to that, since Taylor et al. (2003) showed that prolonged exposure therapy was more effective than EMDR in reducing the levels of re-experiencing and avoidance, the authors of the study concluded that it is the superior therapeutic technique. All in all, both exposure techniques and EMDR are very good at what they are supposed to do; but exposure techniques are better at it. Therefore, a hypothesis can be derived from the above discussed studies which states that specialized exposure techniques are more efficacious in the treatment of PTSD than EMDR across social and temporal demographics.