Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Pre 1914 Poetry William Blake Essay

These sonnets ‘Holy Thursday (experience)’ and Holy Thursday (blamelessness) are determined to Ascension Day in an assistance in St. Paul’s church. This was an exceptional event for the vagrants who originated from London Charity Schools. The ‘Holy Thursday (innocence)’ sonnet can be deciphered in two distinct manners. The impression we get from the outset is that the vagrants are dealt with well and they have glad existences yet in the wake of perusing ‘Holy Thursday (experience)’ you begin to understand that there is a negative method of understanding a similar sonnet. This view demonstrates the vagrants to be abused and exceptionally troubled. The expression ‘their blameless countenances clean’ proposes youngsters that are by and large very much cared for instead of being deserted and meandering the roads of London. There is a proposal that the youngsters have mates, are polite and have a feeling of request by the line ‘the kids strolling two by two’ This is additionally added to by the expression ‘In red, blue and green’ which suggests that they were wearing splendid, savvy outfits as opposed to clothes. The youngsters have heavenly watchmen to sustain and secure them, as inferred by the lines ‘Grey-headed beadles strolled before’ who have ‘wands’ are depicted ‘as white as snow’ which causes us to feel that these are charmed gatekeepers who are unadulterated and mysterious. Another expression that adds to this is the sentence ‘Wise watchmen to the poor’. There is further reference to the great work that the gatekeepers are doing when William Blake utilizes the term ‘Multitudes of lambs’ suggesting the watchmen are shepherding and controlling honest animals. Lambs invokes the picture of creatures all gathered creation sure that they are generally protected. The vagrants are alluded to as blossoms in the subsequent section, suggesting fragile, common and lovely. Blossoms mean harmony suggesting that the kids are amiable. ‘Seated in organizations they sit’ like great polite students in a school, to state their temperament is quiet and tranquil as opposed to boisterous and unruly. Their god-dreading nature is inferred by the words ‘raising their honest hands’ presumably alluding to supplication as they are cheerful and enthusiastic. In the last section William Blake is stating the youngsters appreciate going to chapel, supplicating and singing psalms as †like a forceful breeze they speak more loudly of song.Overall the sonnet has a vivacious musicality with pace to give it a beat and smoothness. Presently I will investigate ‘Holy Thursday (experience)’ sonnet. In the main verse Blake depicts England as a nation which is ‘rich and fruitful’. This would give off an impression of being his own understanding of life in England yet this announcement can be deciphered in various manners. Blake could have implied that England is wealthy in that there is foods grown from the ground yet it is poor as a result of the measure of vagrants. He utilizes ‘holy’ to construe that England is a Christian Country and inquires as to why children ought to be decreased to wretchedness and took care of and cared for by individuals who don’t care for them ‘Cold and usurious hand?’. In the second refrain he poses three logical inquiries. We know ‘the trembling cry’ isn’t a melody and that whatever is crying is presumably alone and perhaps shouting out for help. ‘Can it be a tune of joy?’ Maybe it could be a tune of euphoria for the supported rare sorts of people who live in the rich and productive land however for the numerous poor youngsters wandering the lanes of London it isn’t. ‘It is a place that is known for poverty’. In the past sonnet ‘Holy Thursday (innocence)’ he says that the youngsters ‘raise to paradise the voice of song’. He clearly accepts that melodies can lift a soul and in ‘Holy Thursday (experience)’ it harms him, that there are no tunes of happiness going heavenwards structure youngsters who are so unadulterated. Ordinarily to perceive how rich a nation a nation is you measure the measure of riches the nation yet here Blake is estimating the satisfaction by inquiring as to whether their singing which is typically an indication of bliss from kids. The third verse portrays their satisfaction regarding the atmosphere. Their lives resemble a spot where the; ‘sun does never sparkle. Also, their fields are dreary and bare.’ In the third line he differentiates their excursion through existence with that of Christ’s crown of thistles. The picture this reflects is of an excruciating path through life. Also, the following line is resounded in a later work by C.S Lewis who utilizes the term unceasing winter to mean a spot, similar to Siberia, that is deplorably tragic and where joy doesn't exist. This allegory makes us mindful that there will never be any delight of warmth in their lives and that sincerely they are totally deprived and genuinely kept from adoration. In the last section he again alludes to nature and the climate to depict a circumstance where everything would be okay and ‘Babe cam never hunger there’. This totally neglects to show the genuine motivation behind why those kids are poor. Downpour and daylight won’t get them out of the crushing neediness that they are in. It is basically utilized as a representation to change the children’s circumstance from interminable winter to dry warm summer in which they would have all the earmarks of being glad. All through the sonnet there is an absence of shading and depiction so it is hard to evoke any picture other than of a dark dreary scene, where dim individuals and dim kids exist in a general public that doesn’t esteem them. In ‘Holy Thursday (innocence)’ he utilizes graphic words, for example, ‘clean’, ‘two by two’, ‘red’,’ blue’, ‘green’ and ‘as white as snow’ to evoke an image of London that is very unique. Blake additionally gives off an impression of being assaulting the congregation in different sonnets for its magnificence and riches yet additionally its absence of mankind and consciousness of the ‘multitudes of lambs’ which could be directed to the butcher and wretchedness of destitution. Perusing the ‘Holy Thursday (experience)’ causes you to rethink the sonnet ‘Holy Thursday (blamelessness) and its methodology. In a negative this is my interpretation.In the main refrain it is inferred that the a great many vagrants are being made to scour their faces clean so much that it harms. This tidiness of the youngsters is just a fa㠯⠿â ½ade to give a decent impression when the expression ‘their guiltless countenances clean’ shows up. This infers the youngsters are trained and controlled. This establishes a decent connection with the carers. This is additionally show ‘in red and blue and green’ on the grounds that it shows that they are being made to wear a uniform. Being compelled to wear outfits implies that the vagrants additionally lose their singularity. ‘Grey-headed beadles strolled before’ could show that these ‘carers’ are terrible individuals who request the youngsters around and make them walk ‘two and two’ like in the military. This likewise infers these awful individuals are self important in light of the fact that they just take care of themselves and they may just be taking care of the youngsters for additional cash. These military officials have sticks to beat the youngsters with as it says ‘with wands as white as snow.’ This thought of the kids being a piece of a military power is supported up by the statement ‘seated in organizations they sit.’ Because the military is separated off into organizations, they remain in a specific request and they are faithful. ‘These blossoms of London town’ infers that the youngsters are blameless and unadulterated however like blossoms they will in the long amazing. Blossoms are additionally defenseless and effectively demolished. The correlation between the gatherings of youngsters and the ‘multitudes of lambs’ infers that the vagrants like the lights, bunch together like unadulterated blameless animals. The picture of the sheep additionally represents the possibility of helplessness and penance. Like the sheep the vagrants are compelled to do what the carers instruct them to do, and may confront an early demise as survivors of a barbarous world. ‘Thousands of young men and girls’ recommends that there are any poor vagrants who are destitute. This shows there is a huge size of neediness. The vagrants argue for help by ‘raising their blameless hands.’ ‘Like a relentless wind†¦voice of song’ infers that the breeze resembles a dangerous typhoon prepared to clear their lives away. Amusingly the ‘wise gatekeepers of the poor’ are there to take care of the vagrants for the cash and are not worried about the vagrants by any means. The musicality of the sonnet in this negative view is a like a severe military walk.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Role of Exposure and Activity Involvement †Free Samples to Students

Question: Examine about the Role of Exposure and Activity Involvement. Answer: Presentation From the distinctive showcasing channel and wanted blend of instruments gather to bring some idea and publicize the individual and business selling and advertising which is considered as Marketing Communication. Sponsorship, advancement and advertising are the components of these principles and with the showcasing conveying instrument a superior market direction can be supported around here procedure. Publicizing is a paid from of showcasing correspondence that associations representative so as to legitimately impart messages to the current just as potential clients. A portion of the medium that publicizing use in todays worldwide setting has developed and developed exponentially with the progression of innovation. Radio, TV or hoardings are customary type of publicizing computerized promoting stages like business site; web based life and so forth is likewise assuming a significant job in the IMC methodologies of an association (Belch et al 2014). IMC is Integrated Marketing Communication it is the arrangement or methodology an organization defines to impart the shoppers thoughts, item advancement and so forth. Promoting is a method of mass correspondence and is an essential piece of IMC (Fill and Turnbull 2016). As indicated by the AIDA model of publicizing and promoting, the way toward promoting must follow four stages consideration, intrigue, choice and activity. Promoting is utilized to make mindfulness among the purchasers of an item or administration and so as to do so it needs to appropriately arranged and sorted out (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Promoting makes intrigue and thusly grows needs also (Kelley and Jugenheimer 2015). For instance: there are a few items that individuals don't realize exist except if it is publicized. Promoting is answerable for making a brand picture too, this is an idea of marking where the organization workers through different methods of showcasing so as to make a recognition in the psyches of the individuals with respect to a brand (Moriarty et al 2014). For instance: Mac Donalds, all the advertisements and jingles of Mac Donalds depict a glad time with loved ones as that is the picture the organization needs to make. The above is the solid hypothesis of promoting as it accept that with the assistance of publicizing changes can be accomplished in a positive manner. It gives data about the brand and makes mindfulness among the steadfast and potential clients. It carries on like an instrument for influence from the benefit of the organization to utilize their items or administrations over different contenders (Fill and Turnbull 2016). The solid hypothesis is known as the psychological methodology and is generally famous in North America. Issues with the hypothesis is that brands have a bigger piece of the pie sell and advance their products and ventures additionally representing a disadvantageous situation for the opposition. Then again, in the week hypothesis Ehrenberg h as contended that change can't be delivered with the assistance of publicizing as it is reliant on standard of conduct of an individual (Fill and Turnbull 2016). It says that it improves the degree of information yet it doesn't affect on the buy conduct of the shoppers. This methodology is known as the behaviorist approachand is well known in Australia, NZ and UK. These speculations are significant as it gives an establishment for advertisers to plan system and imaginative thoughts for promoting (Belch et al 2014). These speculations impact battles as it coordinates the advertisers in defining the imaginative thoughts. Promoting is the procedure of mass correspondence that encourages an organization to interface with the end customers, outsider associations are employed so as to methodologies and actualize the publicizing of a brand (Moriarty et al 2014). The media scene with the assistance of advanced innovations have basically modified the nature and capacity of media in the general public Marketing media correspondence has created and improved massively in the previous decade. The appearance of advanced promoting is a benchmark change that has occurred in the ongoing years (Ashley and Tuten 2015). There is an organization that offers support for every one of the sub headings of showcasing correspondence for instance: media arranging office, promoting offices, PR offices and so on (Tuten and Solomon 2014). A portion of the customary advertising media are: TV, radio, prints advancement, OOH (out of home) announcements and hoardings, direct showcasing and press (Fill and Turnbull 2016). With advancement in innovation strategies and approaches towards the showcasing portion has likewise a changed for good. The decision of medium wherein advertising can be representative has additionally changed and with the different administrations in the showcasing part. In the last 5years online networking has become the new method of correspondence and advertisers utilize this stage enormously so as to arrive at the objective client (Bacile et al 2014). The ascent of media is separated issue that incorporates the conduct approach of individuals and included clients to purchase new items. This is a sort of perspective that engaged with the regular way of individuals those progressions by age (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Old paper has changed into computerized paper, presentation of tablets and magazines are significant part of media and that turn down the effect of TV also. Radio and Television broadcasting has changed and therefore the immediate promoting has come up by the impact o f online networking and distribution. Each one of those old organizations have been change into new one so the customers are likewise purchased those items to include and get by in present day advertise (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Advanced boards, promoting on the web, radio publicizing improvement in innovation and so forth are a portion of the new showcasing systems. Skippable advertisements and non-skipable promotions, misleading content sources, online battles are a portion of the new ideas that have created in the most recent decade and has picked up unmistakable quality over the most recent 10 years (Scott 2015). In the further the change is likewise subject to the innovation and there can be at any second an advancement development like online networking which may open different entryways of correspondence. As the compass and paces of publicizing in the advanced gathering has additionally decreased altogether. There are non-payable strategies for advertising in the advanced sta ge too yet that isn't unreasonably effective (Tuten and Solomon 2014). Accordingly the need from being imaginative in the methodology of showcasing is significant. Imagination is basic as it makes a review an incentive for the item or administration. For instance it is regularly observed that individuals recall a jingle or a scene structure a promotion which is ten or fifteen years of age (Fill and Turnbull 2016). The qualities of promoting are likewise advancing with the adjustment in the medium, the way of life of the individuals is additionally changing and there is a ton of time requirement which makes it significant for to be innovative (Ashley and Tuten 2015). The expense of media relies upon the different variables like: reach, kind of medium, sway, factors remembered for the work and so forth. The focal point of media utilization estimation from TRP has changed to perspectives and snaps the significance of conventional promoting medium has not decreased because of the appearance of digitalization however for organizations a plenty of choices of advertising has opened. Supporting is fundamentally supporting a reason or exertion with financial or some other methods. The term is typically connected with non-benefit extends yet it is additionally a method of promoting. It is basically an understanding in the middle of two business substances. It is a commonly helpful relationship in the middle of the association and the support (Fill and Turnbull 2016). This is a kind of showcasing device that can be related with publicizing that tries to perceive itself with a distributer, occasion or cause. For instance an organization that makes sports pieces of clothing support games which helps the organization assembles more attention to the objective market of the item or administration (Donovan et al 2016). Sponsorship enables an organization to fabricate a picture by partner with occasions and causes that are significant for the discernment the organization needs to construct. An organization or a brand would utilize this procedure when the brand needs to saved mindfulness about any item improvement or thought. At the point when the organization additionally needs to reposition the brand then a the organization can decide to connect with an occasion which will be related with for instance a brand that needs to set up itself as a revolutionary it can decide to pick a performance as opposed to an altruistic occasion, sponsorship likewise enables an organization to advance beyond the opposition in the market as it enables the organization to gather more consideration from existing or potential clients. There are a few viewpoints or components for the fruitful sponsorship as this is the purpose for the arranging and execution. Increasing the value of the extend and mirror the positive impact from the work is the key models that remembers supports by hitting the right situating in a few times (Fill and Turnbull 2016). The reasonable destinations is significant for defining an objective and that includes all the concentration and focus that gave by association to fulfill the supporters. Actuation plan and sponsorship right circumstance is the best increase that correct holders have for the advancement of the association (Fill and Turnbull 2016). Estimating the outcome is likewise significant as the quality sponsorship is required for the expert methodology as the outcome has done by the specific loom along these lines there are high odds of keeping up effective supporters in business. It likewise encourages the organization to increase a decent notoriety just as altruism for the organization (Grohs and Reisinger 2014). It enables an advertiser to fortify its situation in the market, sponsorship helps in all the manners in which some other methods for promoting would encourage an organization. The validity of the support then again is additionally liable for the achievement or disappointment of the methodology. S

Friday, August 21, 2020

Financial Planning Now, Not Later COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Financial Planning Now, Not Later COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I know what you are thinking . . . the January 5th admission deadline has passed, now I can kick my feet up and wait for my admission decision in March.   While this might be one possible option, it is not the option I recommend. It is no secret, attending graduate school can be expensive.   The time to look into financing your education is not after you get an offer of admission, it is now.   It is a terrible feeling to get an offer of admission and only then realize you might not be able to attend due to financing. My advice is that if you have not started already, that you set aside time each week to research issues related to the cost of graduate school and the payment options available. There are many kinds of aid available including: Institutional funding provided by SIPA External Scholarships (i.e. Fulbright, Pickering) Federal Loans (for U.S. citizens and permanent residents) Private Loans Work Study Grants Sponsorship funds from agencies/organizations Most SIPA students utilize a combination of resources to make attending possible.   Each year students bring in several million dollars of funding that does not need to be repaid by researching and applying for funding.   My feeling has always been that applicants should spend twice the amount of time researching financial aid as is spent on the process of applying for admission.   I covered this topic in a past post entitled The Rule of Two. I highly encourage you to review the entry but the analogy used is one that you might have heard before from a teacher.   It is not uncommon to hear a teacher say that for every hour spent in the classroom, at a minimum a successful student will spend two hours outside of the classroom. My feeling about admission and financial aid is the same. At a minimum, one should spend twice as much time researching financial aid options as researching admission to a program.   While SIPA does allocate around $6 million each year on fellowships for students, a limited number of first year students receive funding (around 10-15%). With this in mind, it will benefit you to research costs and other sources of funding so that if admitted you have a plan.   Not having a plan and not having done research is a strategy that most often leads to frustration.   Here are some tips to get you started: •  Check out SIPA’s own fellowship database. We search for scholarships for you and post them to the database.   The database is not SIPA specific.   As we search for and hear about funding, we make the information available to you. •  Use RSS  technology to deliver news to your email account or RSS Reader.   RSS allows for news to be delivered to you without having to go look for it every day.   As an example, Gmail accounts have something called the “Alert” tool and I am sure other providers have the same capability.   All you have to do is put in text for searches and a search engine will perform the searches daily  and deliver news to your email account.   You can type in search terms like “Graduate School Scholarships” or “International Affairs Scholarships.”   You can also utilize an RSS reader.   RSS readers are free and if you do not know what an RSS reader is, click here for a YouTube tutorial. •  Talk to people you know who have gone to graduate school and find out if they were able to find scholarship opportunities. •  Contact people that have written you a letter of recommendation and have them make multiple copies of the recommendation letter and give them to you in sealed envelops so you are ready if a scholarship opportunity arises and there is a tight deadline. • Start to familiarize yourself with the cost of living in New York City.   SIPA is only able to provide housing for approximately 30% of our students and most students must find housing the city.   A great resource to get started is Craigslist.   I recommend signing up for an email feed for NYC apartments.   Following rental trends will help familiarize you with costs around the city. • Familiarize yourself with the payment and billing options available to SIPA students.   You can get started by visiting the Columbia University Student Financial Services home page. I will not say the process of searching for funding and familiarizing yourself with costs is easy and it can take a considerable amount of effort.   However, the sooner you start to look the more doors you will possibly open figuratively and literally.

Financial Planning Now, Not Later COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Financial Planning Now, Not Later COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog I know what you are thinking . . . the January 5th admission deadline has passed, now I can kick my feet up and wait for my admission decision in March.   While this might be one possible option, it is not the option I recommend. It is no secret, attending graduate school can be expensive.   The time to look into financing your education is not after you get an offer of admission, it is now.   It is a terrible feeling to get an offer of admission and only then realize you might not be able to attend due to financing. My advice is that if you have not started already, that you set aside time each week to research issues related to the cost of graduate school and the payment options available. There are many kinds of aid available including: Institutional funding provided by SIPA External Scholarships (i.e. Fulbright, Pickering) Federal Loans (for U.S. citizens and permanent residents) Private Loans Work Study Grants Sponsorship funds from agencies/organizations Most SIPA students utilize a combination of resources to make attending possible.   Each year students bring in several million dollars of funding that does not need to be repaid by researching and applying for funding.   My feeling has always been that applicants should spend twice the amount of time researching financial aid as is spent on the process of applying for admission.   I covered this topic in a past post entitled The Rule of Two. I highly encourage you to review the entry but the analogy used is one that you might have heard before from a teacher.   It is not uncommon to hear a teacher say that for every hour spent in the classroom, at a minimum a successful student will spend two hours outside of the classroom. My feeling about admission and financial aid is the same. At a minimum, one should spend twice as much time researching financial aid options as researching admission to a program.   While SIPA does allocate around $6 million each year on fellowships for students, a limited number of first year students receive funding (around 10-15%). With this in mind, it will benefit you to research costs and other sources of funding so that if admitted you have a plan.   Not having a plan and not having done research is a strategy that most often leads to frustration.   Here are some tips to get you started: •  Check out SIPA’s own fellowship database. We search for scholarships for you and post them to the database.   The database is not SIPA specific.   As we search for and hear about funding, we make the information available to you. •  Use RSS  technology to deliver news to your email account or RSS Reader.   RSS allows for news to be delivered to you without having to go look for it every day.   As an example, Gmail accounts have something called the “Alert” tool and I am sure other providers have the same capability.   All you have to do is put in text for searches and a search engine will perform the searches daily  and deliver news to your email account.   You can type in search terms like “Graduate School Scholarships” or “International Affairs Scholarships.”   You can also utilize an RSS reader.   RSS readers are free and if you do not know what an RSS reader is, click here for a YouTube tutorial. •  Talk to people you know who have gone to graduate school and find out if they were able to find scholarship opportunities. •  Contact people that have written you a letter of recommendation and have them make multiple copies of the recommendation letter and give them to you in sealed envelops so you are ready if a scholarship opportunity arises and there is a tight deadline. • Start to familiarize yourself with the cost of living in New York City.   SIPA is only able to provide housing for approximately 30% of our students and most students must find housing the city.   A great resource to get started is Craigslist.   I recommend signing up for an email feed for NYC apartments.   Following rental trends will help familiarize you with costs around the city. • Familiarize yourself with the payment and billing options available to SIPA students.   You can get started by visiting the Columbia University Student Financial Services home page. I will not say the process of searching for funding and familiarizing yourself with costs is easy and it can take a considerable amount of effort.   However, the sooner you start to look the more doors you will possibly open figuratively and literally.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Yellow Wallpaper - 898 Words

Charlotte Perkins Gilman was born in Hartford, Connecticut on July 3, 1860. From the day of her birth, she was a woman ahead of her time. In 1890, she wrote The Yellow Wallpaper a story about a woman who was oppressed by her husband and her illness. This, Gilman’s most famous work, was written from her own experience in life. In 1884, Charlotte Perkins married Charles Walter Stetson and had one daughter. Following the birth of her daughter, she was greatly depressed and took a therapeutic 3 month trip to California. Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell was consulted in 1884 by Mr. Stetson to treat his wife for what was then called hysteria. Dr. Mitchell’s treatment involved complete isolation and the removal of anything that might cause quot;mental†¦show more content†¦In The Yellow Wallpaper, the narrator is a woman who has been diagnosed with a quot;temporary nervous depression.quot; Because of her condition, she is restricted by her doctor and her husband from all types of intellectual stimulation. Just like Gilman, the narrator is sent to a large, old country estate for 3 months in the summer to rest and relax, forbidden to write. Throughout the story, she is inside a room with yellow wallpaper. Just as women must do, she had given up on staying in a sunny room downstairs when her husband had dismissed her plea with so much as consideration. She sees patterns in the paper that look like bars and behind the pattern she sees women. The front pattern does move--and no wonder! The woman behind shakes it! Sometimes I think there are a great many women behind, and sometimes only one, and she crawls around fast , and her crawling shakes it all over. Then in the very bright spots she keeps still, and in the very shady spots she just takes hold of the bars and shakes them hard. And she is trying to climb through that pattern--it strangles so; I think that is why it has so many heads. (299) In these women, the narrator is seeing herself, but she does not yet know it. The bars are society, the women behind the bars are women like Gilman trying to break free and be strong and independent. Society and men are keeping these women down and strangling them. In the quot;very bright spots,quot; the woman keeps still, andShow MoreRelatedThe Yellow Wallpaper829 Words   |  4 Pages The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper first appeared in 1892 and became a notary piece of literature for it s historical and influential context. Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper was a first hand account of the oppression faced toward females and the mentally ill,whom were both shunned in society in the late 1890s. It is the story of an unnamed woman confined by her doctor-husband to an attic nursery with barred windows and a bolted down bed. Forbidden to writeRead More The yellow wallpaper619 Words   |  3 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The plot of â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† comes from a moderation of Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s personal experience. In 1887, just two years after the birth of her first child, Dr. Silas Weir Mitchell diagnosed Gilman with neurasthenia, an emotional disorder characterized by fatigue and depression. Mitchell decided that the best prescription would be a â€Å"rest cure†. Mitchell encouraged Gilman to â€Å"Live a domestic l ife as far as possible,† to â€Å"have two hours’ intellectual lifeRead MoreYellow Wallpaper1095 Words   |  5 Pagesand treatments played in reinforcing the prevailing, male-dominant gender roles through the subversion, manipulation and degrading of female experience through the use of medical treatments and power structures. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å" The Yellow Wallpaper† is a perfect example of these themes. In writing this story, Charlotte Perkins Gilman drew upon her own personal experiences with hysteria. The adoption of the sick-role was a product of-and a reaction against gender norms and all of the pressuresRead MoreYellow Wallpaper1673 Words   |  7 PagesSvetlana Kryzhanovskaya Prof. Grajeda ENC 3014-MidTerm Paper March 12, 2012 Structuralism amp; Feminist Theory ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ written by Charlotte Gilman can be affectively analyzed from two schools of thought structuralism and feminist theory. Though structuralists’ deny the work of literature any connection to its author (it must be what it is, no underlying meaning) feminist theory must first and foremost be understood in its historical framework. By the turn of the century,Read MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper3202 Words   |  13 PagesEnglish 1302 22 November 2011 Main Character’s Outsider Theme In Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, the narrator, Jane, is struggling to deal with her depression that she is suffering in a confined room that her husband, John put her in. John believes that this will cure Jane and make her better from her depression. Instead, Jane is slowly losing herself within the yellow wallpaper in the room causing her to become insane. Jane is not able to express her feelings with her husbandRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper1362 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† Charlotte Perkins Gilman â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is gothic psychological short story written in journal-style with first-person narrative. Other elements used in the story are symbols, irony, foreshadowing, and imagery. â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper is about a woman who suffers from postpartum depression. Her husband, a physician, puts her on â€Å"rest cure of quiet and solitude.† (Wilson 278). This cure consisted of the narrator being confinedRead More The Yellow Wallpaper1466 Words   |  6 Pagesfeminist socialist and a realist novelist capture moments that make their readers rethink life and the world surrounding. Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† was first published in 1892, about a white middle-class woman who was confined to an upstairs room by her husband and doctor, the room’s wallpaper imprisons her and as well as liberates herself when she tears the wallpaper off at the end of the story. On the other hand, Craneâ₠¬â„¢s 1893 Maggie: A Girl of the Streets is the realist account of a New York girlRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper961 Words   |  4 Pages The Yellow Paper is a symbolic story written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It is a disheartening tale of a woman struggling to free herself from postpartum depression. This story gives an account of an emotionally and intellectual deteriorated woman who is a wife and a mother who is struggling to break free from her metal prison and find peace. The post-partum depression forced her to look for a neurologist doctor who gives a rest cure. She was supposed to have a strict bed rest. The woman livedRead MoreThe Yellow Wallpaper1844 Words   |  8 PagesSarah Kreeger EngWr 301 Professor Bradford 21 July 2013 Short Story Analysis The Yellow Wallpaper: The Power of Society’s Views On the Care of Mental Patients â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman takes the form of journal entries of a woman undergoing treatment for postpartum depression. Her form of treatment is the â€Å"resting cure,† in which a person is isolated and put on bed rest. Her only social interaction is with her sister-in-law Jennie and her husband, John, who is alsoRead Moreyellow wallpaper1165 Words   |  5 PagesIn the short story â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, talks about a woman who is newly married and is a mother who is in depression. â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper† is written as the secret journal of a woman who, failing to relish the joys of marriage and motherhood, is sentenced to a country rest cure. Though she longs to write, her husband - doctor forbid it. The narrator feels trapped by both her husband and surroundings. The woman she sees behind the wallpaper is a symbol of herself and

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Power Of Women In Geoffrey Chaucers The Wife Of Bath

Magic once ruled the land of Briton, before the time of King Arthur. Not everything was as it seemed, and truth was hidden by a veil of ugliness. When a lusty knight must prove himself to be a gentleman after he rapes a young maiden, he discovers that which every man wants to know: what women truly want. According to the tale told by the Wife of Bath, â€Å"Women desire to have sovereignty/ As well over their husbands as their loves, / And to be in mastery them above† (Chaucer 1044-1046). This statement means that to be masters over their husbands is the ultimate desire of all women. Therefore, the power women have in this time is the power over their husbands, and this power is what they truly desire. However, this is not a common occurrence,†¦show more content†¦This may seem like she is an evil person. She even remarks, â€Å"Oh Lord! The pain I did them and the woe. / And, by God’s sweet pain, they were not guilty!† (389-390). She recognizes their pa in, and understands that she is lying to them and causes them said pain. Yet, in doing this, she also gives them pleasure, as she makes her husbands believe that she is overwhelmingly loyal to them, and only wants to please him. In the end, she gets her way and proves that she has power over them. In her mind, this power is not evil. Alison believes that if God grants a person a gift, they should utilize it to the best of their abilities. Regarding the manipulation, she states that, â€Å"Deceit, weeping, and spinning God did give/ To women by nature, all the time they live† (407-408). If God grants her these powers, how can they be evil? For God is the ultimate judge of what is Good and Evil, and would only give humans good abilities. These thoughts are how Alison justifies her actions. If women are given these powers which are from God, and God is Good, then it is good to use her lies to remain happy. She goes on to prove this through the example of her chastity. Alison use s her powers of manipulation to remain chaste. As a woman, it is her duty according to God to help the human race multiply. Therefore, she is able to state that, â€Å"I am free/ To wed, by God, where it pleases me. / [St. Paul] says to be wedded is not sinning† (55-58). As such, having five husbandsShow MoreRelatedChaucers The Canterbury Tales1381 Words   |  6 PagesThe Canterbury Tales serves as a moral manual in the Middle Ages. In the tales, Geoffrey Chaucer portrays the problems of the society. For instance, Chaucer uses the monk and the friar in comparison to the parson to show what the ecclesiastical class are doing versus what they are supposed to be doing. In other words, it is to make people be aware of these problems. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cultural Differences Between Social Systems And Human...

Last semester, I was given a story about am imaginary woman with imaginary research and I had to deem it either ethical or unethical. This for me, was quite easy as in reality this imaginary anthropologist was only in the research for the money. What I did not realize however is that anthropologists are faced with many challenges during their research. Whether it be their own society’s views that shaped how they view the world, or the backlash their ethnography created or even plain and simple cultural differences. Anthropology tries to account for the social and cultural variation in the world, but an important part of any anthropological project, such as an ethnography also consists of understanding similarities between social systems†¦show more content†¦To what extent do all humans, cultures or societies have something in common, and to what extent is each of them unique? Since we naturally like to compare and contrast ideas, we question those terms that are suppo sedly culturally neutral terms like kinship and gender role. It is acknowledged throughout the academia that all or nearly all societies have several features in common. However, many anthropologists challenge this view, and insist on the uniqueness of each culture or society. For anthropological fieldwork, and especially an ethnography, a society or a culture must be understood on its own terms. Anthropologists are, thus, suspicious of any application of a shared, universal scale to be used in the evaluation of every society. In order to pass judgement on the quality of life in a foreign society, we must first try to understand that society from the inside; otherwise, our judgement has a very limited view of the society in which we are studying. What is conceived of as â€Å"the good life† in the society in which we happen to live may not appear attractive at all if it is seen from a different vantage-point. In order to understand people’s lives, it